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      Theres one thing you need to know about Harry Styles; he's a liar. I know, I know what you're going to say 'How dare you! Why would you say such a thing about this adorable, sweet boy! I mean look at his dimples!' but really let's get serious for a minute. You don't know what he's like when you're not around, you don't know how he acts around his friends and the things that he lets slip out of his mouth. He's rude and he doesn't have respect for anything with a beating heart. Especially things with nice legs and nice chests, don't get me wrong he doesn't ever touch anyone who tells him to hitch a hike but he never respects them. Cat calling and whistling isn't exactly what you want to hear when you're trying to serve someone at a bar. 

      I know that maybe I could've chosen some other half-ass douche bag to pick on but I knew he deserved a lesson, and I knew it was going to be fun messing with a celebrity whose life depends on his performance in public. 

      Which sort of, not really, brings me to my next point. Niall Horan. Great guy, really. Nice, charming, respectful, friendly and quiet. And I know he has reasons for doing what he's doing and it's his life to live but I can't just sit here and watch as he throws it down the drain. Really I'm not doing this to him to teach him a lesson 'cause life has done that way too many times to the poor bloke but I'm hoping that maybe this will set him on the right track, put life into perspective for him. Maybe I should tell you this bad path he's setting himself on, huh? Well Niall has had a tough life, and because of it he's gotten into the bad kind of crowd, and maybe he's a little too into drugs. 

     So with that all being said I'm going to start the actual story, you know from the begining so it all kind of makes sense to you. 

      This story starts a little over a year ago in London, England in a concert venue. Four boys were gathered backstage lounging on surfaces that shouldn't be lounged on, and talking louder than they should in a room they shouldn't be in. They were being rowdy but what teenage boy isn't rowdy and annoying? No one was complaining about them anyways. 

"You remember that bird I was talking to yesterday at the bar? The one with the red hair?" The curly haired fellow drowned on with a purr like he was about to tell the most impressive story any of them had ever heard. 

"What about her, Harry?" The boy sitting across from him asked. It seems important to add that this boy was probably Harry's best friend out of all his band mates, his name was Louis. 

"Bitch told me I looked like some snobby celebrity kid with a ton of money shoved up his arse, I told her that she was too fat to even be chatting up anyway." By the end of his sentence he had closed his eyes and acted all smug to impress the lads. 

"You didn't say that to her!" The boy sitting beside him exclaimed incrudilously. This boys name was Liam, he was just a little shorter than Harry, more muscly and way nicer. You probably knew that already didn't you?

"I can't believe you're not a virgin with how you run your mouth around chicks, it's a shock they even wanna chat you up," the dark haired boy chimed in, his arms crossed and his mouth pressed into a thin line. (This is Zayn if you haven't already realized.)

      This was the end of the only conversation they had the strength to have, after that they just rested until someone came into the room. It was an extra who worked at the venue, his name was something like Sam, I didn't really know and it doesn't seem too important to remember. Anyway, he was shocked to see them in this specific room, with it being, well, a bathroom. We're just going to call him Sam for the sake of the story, so Sam was too dumbstruck to find One Direction in the flesh, in the staff bathroom that was only for the staff. 

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