Pre - Party.

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February 16th, 1988

I looked down at my cup of coffee as I listened keenly into what I was hearing. I was completely engrossed in how beautiful the ring truly was.

"Well after the record is complete we start the tour," he said placing his hand over mine.

"I don't think I can handle you being away for that long," I said looking up at him.

"You won't have to. I'll bring you with me," he said reassuring me.

"Are you sure? I don't want to get in between anything or be a disturbance," I said nervously.

"Trust me, you'll make it a million times better," he said kissing me.

"I hope so."

I could tell he really wanted me there but I didn't want to intrude on anything. I did respect his and the guys privacy. I just hope it all goes well.

He came over at literally the crack of dawn. He wanted to see me before I went off to work. Things like this made me feel loved. I had 10 minutes now to get to work.

"Baby I have to start my walk to work," I said looking at the clock.

"I'll walk you," he said walking to the door.

We walked hand in hand past the now open shops. The sun was now beaming warmth down to us. This was the type of weather that facilitated love. I unlocked the shop door and clocked in.

"Do you mind if I hang out for a bit," he asked sticking his lip out like a puppy.

"Yes under one condition."

He nodded his head waiting for me to explain the clause.

"If a customer comes in you have to let me give them my full attention. As hard as it's gonna be, I still have a responsibility to the customers no matter how shitty they may be."

"Fair enough," he said walking to the wall of instruments.

I shined up the counters making sure whatever fingerprints and unknown substances that were previously there were gone. I was shortly stopped by the sound of familiar music. I turned around to see him playing away. I recognized the melodies as something I had heard him and the guys working on. I stood there behind the counter admiring the energy and passion behind each note. He was truly in the zone. I walked towards him as he finished attacking the instrument. He looked up at me as I placed a kiss on his lips.

"That was amazing," I said sitting next to him.

"Thank you. I can't wait to perform this one live," he said as his eyes shined.

"Neither can I wait to see you play it up there," I said kissing him again.

We sat there together for a good while. He played with such charisma and love for what he was doing. It's definitely a sight to see.

Soon I found my attention being taken away by a customer. I helped the man pick out the right effects pedal he wanted from behind the counter. I cashed him out and he was on his merry way.

Soon more and more customers were coming in and out leaving Kirk to his own devices. He was no longer playing the Flying V he had picked up. He was just aimlessly thumbing through a Rolling Stone magazine.

I prayed my shift would end soon. My prayers were soon answered as one of my coworkers entered. We switched places and we were out. We went back to my apartment.

"Do you want to come with me to James's place. The guys and I were supposed to be having a party," he asked following me to my room.

"When does it start," I asked throwing my work uniform shirt across the room.

"Later tonight. We gotta be there early if we want any of the good beer," he said sitting on my bed.

"Then I'm down," I said pulling on a sweater.

"Fair warning these parties can get pretty wild," he said.

"You think I haven't been to my share of ragers," I said laughing.

"Well you definitely don't seem like the party type," he said smiling.

"Depends on how I feel that day. Today I need to just relax and have some fun," I said laying down on him.

"Most definitely my working girl," he said kissing my forehead.

"I might as well get myself ready. Gotta look somewhat presentable."

"You'd look good even in a potato sack," he said.

"Awww stop it," I said blushing.

I walked to my closet and picked out a black Judas Priest long sleeve. I followed shortly to my drawer to pick up a pair of my ripped blue jeans. Laundry had to be done soon that's for sure.

"I'll just be a few minutes," I said walking to the bathroom.

He nodded his head in agreement.

I slid into the shower. Shortly after exiting I came to the conclusion that he'd gotten into my records again. I could here my Turbo Judas Priest record playing from my room. I rolled my eyes and continued to get dressed. I walked out and made eye contact with him. I shook my head and laughed slightly. The record was still on the first song. Turbo Lover. How ironic?

"Nice record choice," I said looking in the mirror.

"It was begging to be played," he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

There were so many responses I could have made at that moment but I went with the most neutral one I could muster up.

"Mhm is that right?"

"Yes it is," he said kissing my neck.

He knew exactly what he was doing.

"Do you want to go to the party or not," I asked laughing.

"You know I do," he said.

"Then stop it or there will be no party you bastard," I said poking him.

"Yes ma'am," he said lifting his arms in defeat.

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