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Erika transports us back to the laboratory, as she's able to do the same things that Death is able to do.

We open the door to the laboratory and are faced with six Dark Angels surrounding us. We pull out our weapons and stun them to the ground, we find ourselves alone in the laboratory. We are here for answers, to find anything that can help us solve this mystery of how to reverse the curse of the city of angels.

"Hey guys check this out!" Travis says browsing a document on the computer, I walk up and peer around his shoulder on the screen to see what he is looking at. It's the results from the blood test.

"NORMAL BLOOD (BLOOD THAT HAS THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT TO BE FORMED INTO DARK ANGELS): 67 CELLS OF ACTIVATION" I read out loud and we all look at each other with deception, not knowing what this all means.

"So it's airborne, ours is at zero." Travis reads pointing to the graph with our results. "But there's also something else in our blood, look at the purple line right there. It's unknown, but it's only in ours."

"Is that what keeps us from turning?" Riley asks, and suddenly his phone rings in his pocket. It's mom.

"Mom, relax I'm with Delilah and Travis." He tells her as I can hear her in hysterics over the phone. "Just a little brother, sister bonding."

"Mom? What's wrong with your voice, are you sick?" He asks frantically suddenly. Erika suddenly lifts up her hand and says, "That's not your mother anymore."

She snaps her fingers and we are inside her living room, she's standing by the window looking out at the rain. She turns to us and her eyes are that same dark black I've seen on everyone else, her sneer is just as dark. The familiar set of wings fly out from her back, she lunges towards us in a swift motion of an attack.

Before she can get to me, I hear Travis behind me loading up his bow. He shoots her directly in the heart and she falls to the ground. I watch her eyes close and tears descend my face.

"Mom?" I whisper, bending down at her level.

"It's only temporary Delilah...she isn't dead."

"She will be if we don't figure this out in three days..." I say, glancing out the window at the sun rising off in the distant, I sigh. "Now two."

Erika closes her eyes, as if she's envisioning something important. Her eyes open wide suddenly, and she starts talking like she's having a conversation with herself.

"The three that cannot be turned, the three that have it in their blood, the three of the last prophecy, but now there's a forth. A forth you say? Yes, the younger brother of the girl. He's one of them, he's got it in his blood too. But the mother, she doesn't have it; she's turned already. Delilah put her down, she isn't dead though. They still have two days, two days to revert the curse. Bring them here then? We can help, we have the answers they need. No, we don't he stole it, remember? Right, about that.. what do you mean? I got it back. So summon them then! What are you waiting for, an apocalypse? Isn't that what this is sir? You're an idiot, if you don't then I will. Through the girl! Through the sister of Travis, she was a resident of the city. She's got the powers to tell them, shh she's on our channel... what should I say? Tell them! Tell them to come here now, before the two days are up! Yes, just two days, and the world will be at its end. Raviera is no match for what we have up our sleeves, we can't turn either. Water, wind, fire, the dead rising, sickness, and so much more; we can't have the world in flames."

"Erika...what's going on?" Travis says, reaching his hand out to her shoulder, upon his touch she rapidly pulls away and puts a finger up to her lips and shushes him. Then snaps her fingers, and we are on an island somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

The waves brush rapidly on the shore, leaving behind a glowing color as it descends away from the shore. We glance at each other in curiosity wondering what this place has in store for us.

"The island from my dreams..." Travis says suddenly, and I remember him describing this place to me, I can feel the fright radiating off of him.

"It won't happen that way, I can assure you of that. Let's go this way." Erika says pointing down a clear path ahead of us. I feel a strange feeling inside of me as we descend down the path, like someone or something has been following me. I try to ignore it but the further we disembark through the path the more I can sense it, it's over whelming now. Like that feeling when you have an episode of sleep paralysis, the overwhelming sensation of not being able to come out of that shell it traps you in, and having that urge to look around to try and spot the beast that holds you down.

Off in the distance I see a small fire, the flames are large throughout the night sky like it's beckoning us specifically to go towards us. I have an urge to turn around, and the more I ignore it the worse it gets. I take a quick glance behind my shoulder but I don't see anyone, just the moon shining on the lake; it's waves still violently striking the shore. The closer we get to the fire I can spot two people sitting in front of it, across from each other roasting marshmallows in the flames. They turn and spot us, smiling at our arrival.

"Finally, you're here!" A woman stands up and approaches us, her eyes are bright blue and shine from the moonlight. Her strawberry blond pony tail bounces as she meets up with us. She reaches out her hand and shakes mine. "Delilah, I've heard so much about you, and I've been dying to meet you. I'm glad I'm finally able to, I just wish it wasn't in these circumstances."

"Where are we?" I ask her, curiously.

"Travis, you recognize this place; don't you?" The woman asks him, he nods and continues looking around.

"I just...didn't think it would be real." He says, coming to terms that it is indeed real, even though we aren't sure the reason of why we are here. The woman holds out her hand and ushers us over to sit around the fireplace. I follow with haste and sit down on the wooden bench. An older gentleman sits across from us, a laptop on the chair next to him. He reaches over to it and pulls up our profiles.

"Welcome to the year 2745."

City Of Angels (Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now