Take On The World

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I smile weakly, we did it. We truly did it, we stopped Raviera from ending the world and leaving people trapped inside their minds.

Everything is back to normal.

I sit up, still in some pain from the fall.

Travis places a hand on my shoulder to keep me from sitting up, the stubbornness kicking in.

"After you passed out, Raviera threw a fit; furious his plan was ruined. The bright light, it fell upon the city of angels bringing sun back to the world. The once dark angels, there wings turned white, confused and dazed but back to normal. Those from the real world, they returned to normal. Everything is back to what it was, the curse has been lifted." Death explains all of this to me, I listen happily. Ecstatic for the world to be at what its supposed to be.

"Delilah, Travis I have a proposition for you. But I will explain when Delilah is feeling a little bit better. Meet me in the control room when you are ready too, I have much to fix right now."

Travis nods, and Death disappears.

"I am going to go check on my friends, and make sure they are okay. I'm taking Riley with me to introduce them to him; if that's okay with you."

"Of course it is." I smile and they leave the room, and I find myself alone with Travis.

Travis reaches out and grabs my hand and holds it softly, I look at him with hope in my eyes.

"We did it." I say, closing my eyes and starting to drift off.

"We did it." I hear him repeat.


The elevator and everything is working, so we don't have to walk up to the 60th floor. Which is good as everything inside me is exhausted.

I walk in and Death is happily sitting at a desk in the center of the room, looking through the monitors and typing away at the computer. He glances up at Travis and I as we enter the room, he motions for us to sit in the chairs in front of him.

"I see you are looking well rested Delilah." He observes and I smile, still feeling weak but much better than what I felt before.

"Yes very much so."

"Thank you for everything you've done for the city of angels these past few days, I can't even put into words how to express how grateful I am for all you two have done." He says, taking a deep breath before moving on; "Well, taking care of the City of Angels AND doing my duties as Death has begun to get too much for me lately, so I was wondering if you and Travis would be willing to take over the City of Angels for me."

He slides over a set of keys and I glance down at it in amazement.

"I would love to...but I have so much going on in my life, and I'm starting school in the fall."

He nods, "I understand, to make it easier on you; you can come at your own pace, the entrance of the city of angels can be wherever its convenient."

I consider it all for a moment, the proposition sounds like a wonderful opportunity. I look over at Travis and he smiles excitedly.

"Call it a deal then!" I say, and Travis extends a handshake towards Death.

"Wonderful Delilah! I just need the both of you to sign down here, then I will go over details from there." He hands us a paper and I read over it before signing my name at the bottom of the page. Travis does the same.

The next little while, Death goes over some things with us in the control room, pointing out different areas of the city and how to run the place. A little while later, I believe I have a good idea of how to handle the place.

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