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Exo P.O.V

Today we are going back to the Academy since summer break is over me and the other members are getting our new uniforms on we have dark blue color uniforms and they are way better then the old uniforms we used to were but I wonder why they switched it oh well this are much cooler. Kris we need to hurry and get to the assembly tonight, yeah I wonted to ask you about that why are we having an assembly anyways Suho, I don't why don't you ask Luhan hyung about this he said and walked out the door.

Hey Luhan hyung, Luhan hyung he yelled hey Sehun have you seen Luhan hyung anywhere he asked, hyung yeah I seen him he already left to the assembly to talk to the principle, wae do you need him Sehun asked, all never mind lets just go to this stupid assembly he said and they all left to the gym.

Dalnim P.O.V

 Finally we made it to this Academy but why is it so dark here I thought I grabbed my skate board and suit case out of moms trunk, hey mom are you going to come in, no honey I don't need to come in they already know that you are here well I got to go Dalnim love you bye she said driving off. I love you to I said but she was already gone well I guess she couldn't wait to send her special kid to a special academy now could she, yeah special alright more like freak lets see were could these girls dorms be.

It is kinda creepy here this academy is really big and surrounded by a lot of tress uhh were could those dorms be man it feels like I been walking for hours. Wham I feel back and fell on my butt, oh am so sorry I wasn't looking were I was going a girl said while giving me her hand thanks I said.

She was very pretty I picked up my skate board that fell out my grip, so hi my name is Taeyun she said, oh well nice to meet you I said with an straight face. Hey Taeyun was it do you know were the girls dorm is I asked umm not really but I am also new here she said, oh ok then.

Hey we can find the dorms together if that's alright with you she asked, whatever you can lead the way I said pointing my hands out. So what is your name she asked my name is... uhh stupid paper why did you fly way up their I herd and saw a girl jumping at a tree trying to get something.

Hello Taeyun said waving a hand in my face trying to get my attention, umm Taeyun do you see that girl I think she needs help she turned her head were I was pointing at. I guess your right let's go help her she said dragging me with her to were the girl was jumping at, do you need help.

Taeyun asked the girl stopped jumping and looked at us she kinda looked scared, do you need help Taeyun asked again the girl slowly nodded her head, alright then. Taeyun stood were the girl was standing and I saw her squint her eyes and the paper started moving and slowly floated down to her hands.

Here you go Taeyun said giving the girl her paper back gamsahabnida she whispered and bowed, no problem she said so what's your name she asked the girl. My naaa name is Lena Renee Nagaosa she whispered again oh that's a pretty name well my name is Taeyun she said and shook the girls hand so were you also heading to the dorms.

She just nodded her head well would you like to walk with us Taeyun asked, sure she said I just rolled my eyes can we go please I groaned, sure let's go and we started walking again. As we were walking we saw a tall building in our view that might be the dorm Taeyun said me and Lena just nodded our head and followed her closer to the building.

When we got closer I saw three other girls walking towards the building hey I yelled the three girls stopped and looked around to see who said that then they spotted us. We walked closer to them do you three know if this is the girls dorm I asked they nodded their heads, thanks I said I started to walk to the front door.

But a girl walked in front of me, hi my name is Chijin she said holding her hand out for me to shake I just look at it then Taeyun came up from behind me and shook the girl hand. Hi my name is Taeyun she said and the quiet girl behind me is Lena Renee Nagaosa but we call her Lena, well very nice to meet you and those two girls are Nozomi and Jia.

I decided to leave them talking to each other while I go inside the dorms as I walk in I saw six more girls inside and they were wearing their uniforms. Why are you girls wearing your uniforms I asked one of the girls stopped and walked up to me hi am Angelou Choi.

And we are wearing our uniforms because we have an assembly right now in about 30mins she said, oh well can someone take me to my room, sure she said. Hey NaRi can you take this girl to her room, sure she said follow me she said and we started walking down the hallway.

Hello, as you herd my name is NaRi I just wanted to tell you that its three or two in a room and oh hi Park Ana, oh hi NaRi she said and walked the other way. She was also dressed in her uniform, anyways here is your dorm room and the room number is #206 she said well bye I have to go and help the other girls she said and left.

I opened the door and saw two other girls inside and they were also wearing their uniforms are you two girls my roommates I asked still standing by the door. I am a girls with long brown hair said she was another pretty girl here, my name is Kim Chae Byeol, but you can call me Chae.

And the girl on the floor with the boxes is Alexandra Sabrina Sky but you can call her Alexandra or Sky the girl said getting of the floor and patting her skirt. Well its very nice meeting you two, so you skate board Alexandra asked yeah I said a little uncomfortable well is all right if I change into my uniform.

Sure they said, well can you two kinda please leave oh right sure they said and walked out the door well we going to get going, alright I said and shut the door and got changed.

Taeyun P.O.V

As I was talking to the other girls I notice that the other girl wasn't here she must of went inside hey I think we should go inside, good idea Chijin said and we inside. Hey you girls better get ready, why Jia asked because we have an assembly to go to a girl said ok we said and went towards the rooms in hallway.

My room number is 203 and my roommate was with Lena, hey Lena I guess were roommates, I said, she just nodded her head she must not like to talk much. Oh well she will get use to me soon we both went inside and got dressed me and Lena left and went into the living room.

All of the ten girls were here but one was missing it was that new girl she still hasn't told me her name maybe she will tell me at the assembly. The other girls started to leave aren't you coming Chijin asked I will just waiting for some one I said ok then see you later she said and left.

Dalnim P.O.V

I just got done putting on the uniform and walked out the dorm I had put on my converse and started to walk into the living room I notice that no one was really here. When I got closer into the living room I saw a girl standing by the door I squinted my eyes and saw that it was Taeyun.

Hey she said when she turned her head hey I said are you ready to go she asked sure I said and we walked to the gym were the assembly was at.

Exo P.O.V

We all made it into the gym and sat down at the seats I wonder why their are twelve more chairs here Chen asked I don't no why Suho said and we sat down.

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