ChaeByeol & Lay Date

420 12 5

( @broken galaxy wrote this chapter hear)

Lay p.o.v

I tucked my thoughts into mind, and I hold onto it. It’s been so long since we’ve been out together alone, just the two of us, considering everything that’s been going on. I looked around and smiled. “It’s been so long since we’ve gone out together, right?”


I smiled and turn my head to look down at, my free hand coming up to ruffle her hair: “Right. I’ve missed being with you.” A small smile plays on her cherry lips, a blush painting over her flawless complexion in an endearing pink.


She whispers: “Me too.”


The sun was just barely rising when we came out of our dorms, but now people have started to stream into the amusement park. Ice cream trucks and hot dog stands draw open, and the rides’ figures have started to clear up as dawn breaks.


Chae looks even prettier than usual today, with her freshly washed hair flowing over her shoulders in soft auburn waves, smelling of sweet strawberries and almost glowing under the early morning sunlight. Her features are free of makeup, and I think she looks even more beautiful this way.


She doesn’t need foundation to cover her already clean, bright, glowing skin, nor does she need blush to highlight her already defined cheekbones, no lip gloss is required for her cherry blossom-like lips to appeal against her perfect rows of pearly white teeth.


Her wide-set, double lidded eyes with chocolatey eyelashes and twinkling chestnut pupils are gorgeous just the way they are, without the help of mascara, eyeliner, or eye shadow.

Her delicately curved nose has never undergone plastic surgery; she’s what the people back in my hometown would call “born to be beautiful.”


Chae is wearing a pair of short jean cut-offs, a white cropped top with butterfly-winged sleeves, and a pair of white high-tops. She’s always like this, she never has to put any effort into her outfit, and she looks amazing anyway.


She drags me on every ride she sees, and by the time I’ve regained my balance, Chae would already be paying for the tickets to another one. There was the teacup ride, the roller coasters, the building drops, and the pirate ship; I feel like I’m way more scared than she is.


Well, Chae doesn’t seem scared at all. So never mind what I just said.


After we’ve gone through everything the amusement park has at all to offer, Chae giggles and her face is flushed from excitement.

She pulls me over to a bench by the fountain to sit down,“Yixing, are you okay? I think there were ten-year-olds that didn’t scream as much as you did.”


I lean back against the bench, cover my spot-seeing eyes with my hands, and breathe: “I did not scream. I’m manly. Manly people don’t scream.

” Chae laughs and entwines her fingers with mine, leaning forward, “Oh, we haven’t even had food yet! Do you want to go get something to eat?”


I peel my fingers from my eyes and look at her: “It’s just all going to come up. Can’t we wait a while?” Chae pouts cutely: “Yeah, but I’m hungry. How about I go get something for both of us, and you can eat when you’re feeling better?” I run this through in my dizzy head and nod an agreement.


Chae hops up and runs away, only to come back a minute later: “Wait, I don’t have any money left on me.” I laugh and stand up, slinging an arm around her shoulders and breathing in her sweet scent: “I’ll come with you, okay?”


She beams, leaning a little into me, and I think that I could just stay here forever.

So me and Chae went back to the Academy I had my arm over her shoulder and she had her left hand fingers entwined with my fingers. I walked her back to the girls dorm and she let go of my hand

"well see you later tonight for class" I said walking away but before I could Chae grabbed my hand

" Yeah see you later " She said and kissed me on the cheek and ran back inside the dorms

Before I could react she was already inside " Aigoo, Chae I will return that kiss in our night class " I thought and chuckled and went back to our dorm

Chae P.O.V

I walked up to my room # 206 and saw that my roommate wasn't here I grabbed my sleeping clothes and went to the restroom and took a quick shower.

As I was walking out of the bathroom drying my wet hair with a towel Dalnim just came in

" Were have you been " I asked

" Just out unnie " she said

" Out were " I asked

" Just out and Unnie why are you wearing you Pj's we have night class to go to " she said walking past me to the restroom

" Awe Dang it I just forgot about that and I was just talking to Lay about that are you evening going to the class Dalnim" I asked getting out my clothes for class

" Hey Dalnim do we wear our Uniforms or our regular clothes " I yelled

" I don't know unnie am wearing my regular clothes " she said walking out the bathroom in her clothes

Well then am wearing my regular clothes to I thought

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