Light and Dark

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As Jughead and you leave the gym heading to find B and V you see them in a room with multiple girls. You walk closer to the room and listen to them. You hear what they say and you turn to face Jug and smile and give him a small wave. You walk in and stand beside your sister. She mouthed to you "are you ok" You nod slightly.

You guys talk about what the guys did. When Cheryl walks in. "Yes we all heard the story. The book isn't real."

"How would you know" I ask

"Because Jason told me he wouldn't lie. Anyways we have cheer practice sluts" Cheryl says in a casual tone.

You start getting angry right away and tell Cheryl "I believe Ethel, also we're going to prove that book is real. You want to get caught in the backdraft Cheryl be my guest but, if you call one of these beautiful, talented, intelligent women sluts one more time it will end a lot worse." Cheryl looks a bit taken aback from what you said that.

Cheryl walks away towards the gym. You start heading there as well until Jug stops you. He looked concerned "what are you planing" he asked.

"To find the book" you reply.

"I'll help you, I mean I work on the blue and gold with Betty. It would be a lot easier to write if I saw what's going on" he says. You smile and say "Sorry but, no Jug I don't want you in any trouble" 

"Ok then can I at least say something" he asks. You just nod with a confused face. "I'm coming with you guys end of discussion" he says then just stands there.

You don't want him to come still so you just sigh. "Fine be here at ten." You say then walk away

(Oh I forgot to mention you know where the book is somewhat).

Later that night you, Kevin, Betty, Veronica, Ethel and Jughead meet at the school. All of you start making your way to the boys locker room. As your approaching it. You hear a voice and turn around to see Cheryl. You, Ethel and Jughead don't wait around to hear what she says. You go in and find the book. You open it up and start reading it. Seeing all thoughts names made a year fall down your face. On the last page written you see where Veronica's name is and you look to a little sticky note in it saying "try to get Y/n next".
You start crying a bit and saying " No, not again this won't happen again." You calm down then turn that sadness into anger you walk out of the room to the rest of the group. Jughead and Ethel behind you. Handing them the book, you don't want to see it again.

After Betty and Veronica read the book you tell them a plan.

" you want to go full dark no stars Veronica, let's do it then" you say.

Fairy tale   (Jughead x reader)Where stories live. Discover now