Meeting Luv Bug

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"So, the horse that you have been assigned to lease for the next six months is right this way!" the blading man exclaimed

"His name is Herbi, registered name 'Luv Bug'"

Hold up...

"Wait, you mean like Herbi the luv bug from those movies!?" I asked with suprise

"Yep, he's nine years old, ex racehorse, thoroughbred gelding" he continued

"Fantastic" we continued down the long rows of stalls filled with beautiful horses of all shaped and sizes, we stopped at an end stall, a titanium plate on the door reading 'Luv Bug (Herbi)' I peered in to see a dark brown horse with the smallest little bit of whit on the right side of his forehead.

"He gorgeous" I gasped when I laid eyes on him

"Isn't he?" another, softer voice made me jump "sorry, I'm Annemarie, most people call me Ammy" the small blonde girl that looked about my age stuck her hand out to me

"I'm Emily, but most people call me Em" I said with a chuckle.

"So your the brave soul that is taking on this beautiful boy?" Ammy questioned me,

"Um, I wasn't aware he was a challenge" I shot a glance at Mr. Mc'Leoud, the stable owner, he cleared his throat,

"Well, looking at your past experiences, you seem to be able to ride a horse as easily as you can breathe, so we figured he would be a good horse for you to help break in" and he was right, horses were as easy as breathing for me, so why not?

"Let's get to it then!" I grabbed the halter hanging on the hook of the stall door, and slid it open, Herbi pricking his ears and stepping towards me with curiosity

"Hey buddy" I whispered, sliding the halter over his head

"I guess your with me now" I sighed, suddenly very exited for the next six months of my life here at Wildwood stables.

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