Ugly duckling

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I tied the beautiful steed in the crossties and began with the curry comb, rubbing small circles down his body.

"Ew, are you the new girl?" I heard a high pitched voice behind me, I turned to see a Definetly fake blonde with caked on makeup smirking evilly at me.

"Yeah, and are you the cake faced bitch that everyone hates?" I retorted, mimicking her smirk

"You won't be able to ride him, he's WAY too advanced for you" she sneered at me

"Watch me." I bit out. throughout this conversation I had gotten him mostly tacked up, and with that, I clipped up his bridle and led him out of the barn swiftly, walked right past her, holding my head high.

*********30 minutes later************

"Yeah, I don't get the big deal, he's totally great to ride" I said to Ammy

"I mean, he's great, see?" I popped him over a small cross rail proving my point. He jumped it with ease, cantering out at a nice pace

"I think I might try a course out on him sometime this week, but it'll be a month or two before he's ready to leave the arena." I explained to her, chuckling as I realized I was mostly having a conversation with myself as Annemarie just nodded her head.

"Are you gonna say anything?"

"Yeah sure, I honestly don't get it, he's totally chilled with you, if I was to get on him right now I'd probably end up in the dirt" she looked toward the barn in disappointment, probably in herself, I don't blame her, I've seen videos of him before I got here. it's pretty bad.

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