I'm proud

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I'm proud
To be here
To be surrounded
With such harmony.

I remembered it all
Like it was just yesterday
A door had opened
Light appears before my eyes
As I stepped in,
Home is what I felt

Notes flying around
Joy filled the crowd
And that's when I know
This is the one

Under the blazing sun
Waves of heat seethed in the air
Everyone's face showed determination
As we march across the field

Someone stood in front
Swaying her hands
Like it's free yet professional
Her face showed confidence
Guiding us,
through every beat,every note
Leading us to the land
Where perfection was it all

"Practice makes perfect"
The quote which led our band
To a concert so grand
Juniors dance so gracefully
Seniors played so melodically

Once it'd end,
The whole arena
echoed with cheering voices
Their faces plastered into wide smile
Unforgettable memories were made

We laugh
We cry
We care
We fight
Those bittersweet moments
Will always stuck inside our head

Here I am
Standing up high
As I'm proud to say
I'm in a Band!

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