Maybe Scary Movies Aren't That Bad

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Warnings: None! So carry on trigger free my fellow fruit loops!


"Uh, Yeah?"

I shuffle over to our bedroom and peek around the door frame.

I small smile creeps onto my face as I watch my husband stare at his computer, intensely working on whatever is on the screen.

"I was just going to ask if you wanted to watch a movie? It is Halloween after all." I say stepping slightly into the room then leaning on the door frame.

Phil leans back in his chair, letting out a loud sigh, "I would honestly love nothing more. This video is driving me insane."

He then looks over at me with a big grin.

"So," He states wheeling over in the desk chair until he is right in front of me, wrapping his arms around my lower waist and looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Since it's Halloween does that mean...?"

I smile and shake my head, looking down at the most beautiful man I have ever met.

I place my hands on his cheeks and bend down placing a small kiss on his lips, "We are not watching a scary movie."

"But Daaaaaan." He whines, "Please just one? It's Halloween! Please?"

I sigh, rolling my eyes, "How can I say no to that face?"

"You can't." He says grinning up at me with a mischievous look in his eyes, then quickly pulls my forward so I fall on to his lap in the chair.

"Phil!" I yelp as the chair almost tips over.

"Yes?" He says smiling then pecks my lips quickly.

I sigh and quickly kiss him back, "You're lucky I love you."

He smiles and kisses my forehead, tightening his grip around my waist so I don't fall backwards off the chair.

"What movie do you want to watch then?" I ask bringing a hand up to sweep the fringe falling in Phil's eyes.

"I have just the one." He smiles and quickly stands up, causing me to let out a squeak of surprise and wrap my legs around his waist so I don't fall.

"You have got to stop doing that!" I inhale quickly, tightening my arms around Phil's neck, as he moves his hands to my legs to hold me in place to his chest.

"Onwards!" Phil shouts with a giggle and starts out the door.

I shift on the couch slightly to look up at Phil, the lights of the television dancing across his stunning features, along with the white walls of our lounge, bringing the dark room alive with brilliant colors.

I smile bringing my head back down and shuffling further down Phil's chest, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"You know I have never really been a fan of scary movies until this moment."

"Really? Why's that?" I ask with a chuckle, looking back up at him.

"Because when something scary happens I can snuggle you closer." He says with a grin.

I giggle and kiss his shoulder then wiggle closer to him, taking in everything about him, and laying my head back on his chest.

His shape, his smell, his warm touch, everything.

We might have been married for two years, but everyday I fall more and more in love with him.

"PHIL! They're not safe in that closet! That guy knows exactly where they are! He's gonna kill them!!" I shriek and pull the blanket that's covering both of us, up to my eyes and turn to bury my face in his shirt.

"I can't look." I mumble into the fabric as he starts to laugh, causing his stomach to move up and down.

I position so I can look up into his eyes and frown.

"Can you not. That makes my pillow move."
I say with a grumpy tone and turn my head back into his shirt.

He just laughs again and pokes my side through the blanket, "You know I could just stand up and leave you here with the killer."

I gasp and whip the blank off my head and stare wide eyed at him, "You wouldn't dare."

He just smiles at me sarcastically and nods.

"I won't let you." I state and stand up and sit back down so I'm straddling his hips facing him, "There."

Phil grins widely and shakes his head, "You think that will stop me?"

I think for a minute then give him a cheeky grin, "Maybe not, but I have few good ideas."

I lean closer and place my lips right below his ear and start to trail soft kisses along his jawline.

Phil takes in a sharp breath and puts his hands on my hips, tilting his head slightly as I get closer to his collarbone, I smile against his skin as I hit a sensitive spot that makes him gasp and roll his head back.

I gently take the skin between my teeth and bite down lightly to leave a purplish bruise starting to form.

I kiss it gently and move along his collarbone leaving a trail of open mouth kisses.

I can feel Phil start to tremble under me as I kiss back up his neck and by his ear, "You're always free to leave if you want." I whisper in his ear and gently nip at his earlobe and smile as he lets out a shaky breath.

I lean back to be met with those beautiful blue eyes full of lust and almost black from his dilated pupils.

"That's definitely one way to get me to stay." He says with a grin and puts a hand on my cheek to kiss me slow and passionately, leaving the still playing movie completely forgotten

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