Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Have you gone mad?" I ask incredulously.

Dee raises her eyebrow in challenge.

"You're not good enough for him. Plain and simple."

I scoff at her.

"I don't think it's your place to decide that. I'm sure Derek can make his own decisions."

Dee laughs.

"You think you're so special, don't you?" She asks me rhetorically.

I roll my eyes but say nothing and wait for her to make her point.

"You're not special honey. He's going to say you're different and right when you decide to fuck him, he'll leave. Maybe he'll pull the 'I Love You' card or even better, the "I Respect You Too Much'. Those always seem to win them. But here's his personal favorite, he won't try to lay them, he'll make them do something more satisfying; he'll make them fall in love with him. Slowly and deeply. And once he realizes he has, he'll be gone. And those 'Friends' of yours? They're not real. So be careful who you're telling your secrets to Babe."

I hate that name and by the look on my face, she can tell. What the hell was she even talking about? I don't say anything, waiting for her to go on. I had a feeling she would be talking for a while. I go to sit down and place my chin in my hand. I place a shocked expression on my face to get her to think I believe her. I look up and see a satisfactory smirk on her lips.

"You're not important sweetie. You're just the result of boredom. You're just their project of the semester. There will be a new one soon."

The need to laugh drapes over me but I keep myself in check.

"The semester?" I ask, making my voice sound hoarse.

She nods then sighs.

"Every semester he picks a girl he wants to mess with. They're quiet and smart. Usually don't have friends and are insecure."

She pauses to study me and smirks.

"You seem to be exactly the type."

What a fucking bitch.

"Anyways, they all meet the girl of the semester sooner or later and they all treat her like they're absolute best friends. The girl is always loaded with money too, so they usually find a way to get paid I guess. Usually they blackmail with the stuff they learned about her. I don't even know why they want money, they're all rich as fuck. But yeah, that's the main project." She finishes with a shrug and plops down on the sofa by her.

"The main project? There's more?" I ask in fake disbelief.

This girl was annoying the shit out of me. I mean c'mon, if you're going to try and ruin a relationship, at least make up a good story. Not a cliche one. God this girl was not very bright.

She looks at me as if that were an idiotic thing to ask.

"Well duh. How do you think Derek is known so much in other schools? He fucks girls from other schools around here. They're really easy at those schools, so it's just an easy and entertaining activity for him."

I don't exactly doubt that's what he used to do. But I put my face in my palms and I try to stifle a laugh but it escapes me. It ends up sounding like a sob so she doesn't catch on. What the hell was wrong with Dee?

"How do you even know all this?" I ask, portraying shock.

She straightens out and a look of pride washes over her. Bam, she's totally convinced I believed every ounce of bullshit coming out of that small mouth.

"Who do you think started it? Me." She says proudly.

Well at least that part is true in some form.

"Why would you do something as vile as this?" I ask, my fake hurt soaking the words.

"Because girls like you think you're so fucking important." She seethes at me.

I give her a real look of confusion. I have no idea what she is talking about.

"You want everyone to pity you and pay attention to you, so I decided that girls like you deserve some attention after all, but it will backfire."

I scoff at her and I finally let my hurt facade drop.

"You think you know everything don't you? Well news flash, you're not a clever adult at all. You're just an immature teen who has so much anger and jealousy burning in her that you cast it upon others. You're just a child trying to hold a conversation you don't even fucking understand. Grow up." I snap at her.

I'm tempted to throw in the word bitch in there but I just lectured her on being an immature teen so I don't think now is the right time...

She pales and realizes I didn't believe anything at all. God I hoped she felt like an idiot. Good, because she looks like one and she is.

"If I felt like any of the relationships I have in my life right now were fake, trust me, I would know. You're lucky I won't mention this to Derek." I tell her and walk toward the door of the room.

I'm thinking of things to say to Derek on why I took so long when I open the door. I finally select the 'I was freaking out about his family' scenario, which is partially true, when I bump into a chest I recognize immediately.

Derek's eyes are stone cold and his jaw is ticking. Which, despite the circumstance, I find very attractive. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me close to him. His eyes soften at our contact.

"Thank you for being the most reliable, wonderful and honestly perfect girlfriend in the universe." He whispers into my hair and places a kiss on my cheek.

He heard everything or at least most of it. I look behind him and see Sky. She looks embarrassed by her sisters actions and mouths 'I'm sorry'. I give her a look and shake my head. I look up at Derek and I say nothing but nod. He looks up and his eyes are hard and cold once again. He doesn't say anything but his silence Is more clear than words could ever be. I turn and see Dee take in a big gulp before looking down. If I got Derek this mad I would be scared as hell too, sister or not. I place my head on Derek's chest and take in a deep breath. Why did we have so many obstacles in our relationship? And the thing is, it's never really with each other. It's with people around us. And then I realize something.

We are a far too real thing in a unrealistically false world.


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