You're drunk aren't you

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You went to your best friends birthday party but your boyfriend Taehyung couldn't come because he had dance practice.

Text conversation:

Gucci gangster💚❤️💚: Do you need me to pick you up from the party?

You: Yesv plews

Gucci gangster💚❤️💚: K I'll be there in a minute

You: wit, wohe is guucci gngta!!?

Gucci gangster💚❤️💚: What are you saying?

You: Is yuoh a gungter? Downt steeerl my guffi baage!! My boby gooot iite fow ma😫

Gucci gangster💚❤️💚: Oh are you on about my contact name? You called me Gucci gangster!

You: whu arw yiu?

Gucci gangster💚❤️💚: I'm your boyfriend!

You: mu boifren id nort a gengtru!! Ypu imposrter!

Gucci gangster💚❤️💚: 😂😂 Y/N, chill I'm not a gangster! You're drunk aren't you?

You: Hoe dose yot khoe mi nmae? Are yus stulkong me?

Gucci gangster💚❤️💚: I am your boyfriend😂😂

You: are yu?

Gucci gangster💚❤️💚: ye

You: ohooohh, I didt now tat! Ded yoy boy mh a gooccie beg ten?

Gucci gangster💚❤️💚: Yeah, for Valentine's Day!

You: wonggggg!! Yue get ot onm fegurary 14

Gucci gangster💚❤️💚: What can I do with you Y/N😂 I'll be there in 10 minuets!

You: doent dwink and grive!!

Gucci gangster💚❤️💚: oh how I love your drunk texts!💕

You: ah I drhnk?

Gucci gangster💚❤️💚: yup, see ya!

This was a random idea I came up with idk I thought it was funny. Do ya like it? Well bye mofos for now and and also don't drink and drive!👌

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