A bit sick

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Taehyung was out of the house as per usual, doing work or what ever shit he does at big hit. You can't go out side with him much as ya know, idols having girlfriends is unacceptable to the eyes of fans and is seen as a sin amongst many of them (Don't ask why the fancy wording). But you always think, why can't K-pop idols have open relationships. If fans love them, why do they attack the ones they love the most?

Tae has been your boyfriend for 6 months now but it feels like forever (in a good way obviously). He was too busy most of the time, and seemed as if he never had much time for you, but he loves you and you know that.

A few days ago you have been feeling a bit sick. Your body was weak and occasionally in agony, you had a warm face and an irritated nose that sneezed every 3 seconds. You didn't tell Tae but you really wanted a cuddle from him and you had the perfect excuse to get him to come home.

You grabbed your box of tissues and woolly blanket and to the living room to watch a k-drama. You took your phone and texted your lil Gucci boi to come over:

*text conversation*
You: Taeeeeee?💕
Tae: Yess babe?❤️
You: I'm a bit ill. Are you too busy to come over for your lil sick cupcake?💕
Tae: Umm I want to but dance practice. Ughhh I feel bad now😔
You: Dw I get you are busy. I'll see you tomorrow then?💕
Tae: Nope. You will see me in half hour!❤️
You: Tae if you are busy dw, I don't have a terminal illness, just a flu or fever, idk I ain't no doctor!
Tae: Y/N, I'm coming to help you get better. I don't want my lil cupcake to feel bad❤️❤️
You: Well if your not doing anything important then you can come but if you are like doing like a recording then stay💕
Tae: K see you in a bit lil cupcake❤️
You: See you in a bit lil Gucci boi💕

In half an hour Taehyung got home. Because you never got to see each other often, you and Taehyung would surprise each other to make every moment special. He bought you something in a box.

"Hey Y/N. I got you a little something to make you a little happier." He greeted, handing you the box.

"Oh thanks Tae!" You said looking at the box. He bought you chocolate. How sweet (ayyyyeee see what I did there?)

He sat next to you on the sofa and put his arm around you. You wiggled a little closer to him making your cold body warmer in his arms.

"I miss you. I hate that we barely see each other!" You un-aggressively snapped.

His warm arms held you tighter under the blanket and he placed his head your shoulder.

"I miss you too. But forget that we haven't seen each other in a while and act like we will never see each other again." Tae suggested.

You gave him a puzzled look not understanding what point he was trying to convey. He saw the expression you gave and explained.

"If we act like we will never see each other again, we will show how much we really love each other, every bit." He explained

You turned around again and you dug your face into his chest and had a light yet silent cry but Taehyung could feel the tears absorbed through his shirt. He carefully placed his had on the back of your head and stroked you like he would stroke a cat. Just the thought of never seeing him again was too overwhelming for you and a little anxiety grow in you.

"Why are you crying baby?" Tae questioned.

"I just thought, what if I did never see you again" you rasped as you could feel a cough up growing (idk if that is an actual phrase, I will ask my English teacher or sth).

"Y/N. Don't worry I will never leave your side, not for anyone." He said reassuringly.

The whole day you cuddled each other. Talking about random things, plans and joking around and just being the cute couple you are. You were not cured completely, but you still felt much better than you did before he came.

So my first imagine, yay. Um sorry if it's shit, I'm really bad with extending my vocabulary and story writing in general but I tried my best. I will update tomorrow or the day after. Comment your ideas that would help. Message for requests. Thanks reading. Btw this is unedited so please comment correction if you see any. Byyyyyyyyeeeeee MOFO's!

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