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"Look at Lyric." I said smiling showing Issac a picture of her, my little sister Tajah sent. They took her to a concert, It was her first time so of course she was hype. "She look just like you." He said laughing. I was kinda happy because everybody always says that she just has my skin color and looks like her dad.

"When she coming home?"He asks. "Tomorrow." I say running my fingers through Legend's hair. Bash has been calling and texting me non-stop, he's mad because I let my sisters take Lyric to the concert. He says it's not for her age, it's for all ages. My baby wanted to go and have fun so I let her, I don't see what the problem is.

I had to start getting Legend ready anyway. Basheer's mom wanted to take him and Saiyid out to a little birthday party anyway. She texted me earlier, I always loved her. Even though I can't stand her son. "Come on Legend so Mommy can wash you up." I say picking him up and kissing his cheek.

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water and then checking it to make sure it's warm enough. I take off his shirt, socks, and his diaper. I notice a big ass sore on his stomach. It's red and it looks like it hurts. I know damn well he ain't get that from being home. "Issac!" I yell. He runs in the bathroom. "What's wrong?" He asks. I point at Legend's stomach.

"Look at this, what the hell?" I say. He gets closer and looks at it. "It look like it hurt. He probably fell or something." He says taking Legend from me and rubbing his back kissing him. "Let me call Bash real quick. Wash him up for me." I say standing to walk out.

"Yo."He answers on the first ring. "So what happened to my son stomach? How he get that big ass sore? And why you ain't tell me?" I ask all in one. This nigga just pisses me the fuck off all the way. "Because I put some cream on it Nani it was worse than that and it was going away. He was crawling around upstairs and then he fell down the steps." He explains.

"That means you have to fucking watch him he's a baby! You should've told me, I almost had a heart attack I didn't know what was wrong with my baby. You act so fucking dumb." I say. He sighs. "I got my son, I know what I'm doing. The fuck? You saying it like he ain't in good hands or something." He says. "Obviously he's not if he came home with a big ass sore on his stomach." I say as Issac walks in the room with Legend in his arms who has his towel wrapped around him.

"Whatever Tanani. You know I wouldn't let nothing happen to him on purpose so I don't know why you tripping." He says. "It's fine because my kids won't be over there for awhile so it doesn't matter." I say. "Don't keep my kids from me, I don't care about you hating me. They don't have nothing to do with that." He says. "Oh well, you heard what I said." I say hanging up and turning my attention to Legend and Issac.

Issac was putting his clothes on him now, he put his all white Gucci shirt on him, his black jeans and white Mason Margiela's that had paint splattered all over them. They were cute. "Don't be petty and keep his kids from him baby." Issac says giving me the eye. "Issac I don't want my kids to come home with scars. No telling who be over there and what be going on." I say pouting. I love my babies more than anything I don't know what I would do If something were to happen to them.

"I know but that's their daddy. They gone be good, don't be like that." He says pulling my body to his and kissing me. "Okay." I mumble. I put Legend's hat on him and his black Burberry jacket. "What time his grandma coming?" He asks. "She just texted me she's on her way." I say.

"Hey Ms.Wanda!" I say opening the door. She hugs me and kisses my cheek and takes Legend from me. "Hey baby! How you been?" She asks. "I been good. How you?" I ask her. "I'm fine. Where Lyric?" She asks. "She went to a concert with my sisters." I answer. "Oh okay. Well I'll see you later. We should be back no later than nine." She says. "Okay, bye Legend I love you." I say kissing his cheek and closing the door.

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