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Severus POV

I'm happy that I have my son and daughter back but. I just want to hurry up and try and get Lilly and James back and. That a good thing because I just want to feel hold again and that not much to ask and I'm happy that my son now as rumes and Herminoe as her mates in luicus and Nacissa and that a good thing because I know that there going. To be taking good care and it right ting

Daco : are you okay

Severus: yes I'm just happy that I found out that Harry and Herminoe are back into my life  and that I know there safe

Draoc: that a good thing and I just hope that I can find who I'm supposed to be with because I feel like I need to be finding my mate soon

Severus: with the things that I have been rembering I believe that if we can sisrus black free he might be your mate and I believe that basile zinibin might be your mate as well

Draoc: wow by the way things sounds dumbledore as alot of explaining to do and it not going to be easy  because we all could be happy right now and now I know why we need to be able get the answers

With that Draco went bed and the others went to do what they need to be doing and it not going to be easy .I'm just hoping that James and Lily are okay because I need them.back in my life

Somewhere in hiding

James POV

I believe that Harry and Herminoe are now gone into there inheritance and that's a really good thing because if you ask me it just hit me I think it's time for me and Lily to head back and get Tom and head back as well it's a good thing he's hiding here with us too because we now know the truth we always know the truth but they know that you have enough for us to return

James: I believe that Harry and Herminoe have their memories and everything back right now so we should try and return and I have a feeling that I know exactly where they're too right now there at severus house in Spinners in because I know that they're there because right now I'm picking up on Severus thought and I know that he wants us back because where his family

Lilly : that a good thing because I just want us to be back with are other half and kids James and I believe severus wants Tom back because he is his adopted father and that not to much for him to be wanting

Tom: yes I think it's about time I go back to my son and my grandkids and you should be back with my son and grandkids as well as time to figure all this out and everything this time for us to bring Albus Onces and for all because it needs to be stopped

And with that we knew we need to see who could help us because we need to show that we are live it are time paln and proof this to them and that what needs to be done we need to few call severus with out anyone knowing


Harry Potter POV

I woke up and went. Downstairs because I here my papa was still up and that not a good thing.

Harry : papa are you okay you need to be getting some sleep and that not a good thing that your still up I only got up because I needed to go to the bathroom and everything but I overheard you still down here so you sure you're okay

Sevrus: I'm find son just thinking about how much I hate that your mother and dad are not here because of everything that dumbledore did I know there in hiding and I feel them and I'm wondering if they can feel me through are bodend

Harry: well belive that they can day and hopefully everything will work out and there going to come back soon or at least get a message to us because I just want them back as much as you do

Sevrus: hugs Harry I know that son and I love you

Harry : love you too Papa

And with I said that I saw the frieplace come and there was a fire call and when I looked I saw her standing there getting ready to talk to us was my mother dad and grandfather

HARRY: mum dad and grandfather is that really you

James: yes harry it us

Sevrus: thank Merlin that it's you guys there some way that we can get you back sometime soon

James : well we where thinking of coming back. Tomorrow because we know that luicus mermories and yours and Harry and are can now be what we need to stop dumbledore and show that he is the real evil not tom and it time that we can. Be a family again where is your sister

Harry : she in bed I only came downstairs because I heard that papa was still up

Sevrus: ya well why don't I cast some type of spill now in the fireplace so you can come now without nobody knowing and everything and be safe for you to come back from where you're hiding too now and we might be able to figure things out in the morning cuz this way nobody else you leaving in the middle of day the Once-ler hoping you can help you get back there known us

Lilly: yes that should work better because they need to know where alive and everything that dumbledore was going on with is a lie 

HARRY : ya that a good thing and I hope you get back soon

James : well work on getting back to you guys now but you need your rest harry head back up to bed with rumes because I can sense that you to are together and you will working palning everything tomorrow

And with that I head back upstairs to bed and that a good thing and it looks like I'm.gettingmy Family back home

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