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Rumes POV

We are all talking to Kingsley now so we can find out how to get sisrus black out of Azkaban because he .was innocent of everything that he was being charged for it which is good to worry about to prove that now

Harry : it a good thing that where albe to get the mermories and everything that you are going to be needing Kingsley to help sisrus and stop everything form going to hell that Muggle trem if you guys are not sure with that world but it driving me carzy and it not easy trying to figure out everything because for the pass 17 years everything that I knew and stood for was a lie because of all the blocks and spells and. Everything that was put on me by dumbledore that needs. To be look into more

Kingsley: oh trust me and I believe that we should take him down when. You go back to Hogwarts and I wording now if you where put into the right house

Harry : I was going to be put in to slytherin but I asked to be in Gryffindor cuz of all the lies I was told I guess I didn't understand what was going on

Sevrus: you where led a stray that's not a good thing at all of me you were going to be in. Slytherin because that's where you were meant to be and everything that was put inside of head made you believe that you need to be Gryffindor

Luicus: actually we checked with the hat and the hats so that he could have been in either Slytherin or Gryffindor because the two of them were quite equal for him where you're a Slytherin and his other two parnts are gryffindor's

Harry : make a lot of sense

Hermimoe: so I guys that could be a good thing for me as well am I right

Luicus: yes but is also a fact that you could have been in the Ravenclaw too because the thing is is you and Harry are both the four founders heris so basically you guys are The Heirs to Hogwarts

Harry : that is something that I did not see coming and we need to know for sure more now

Griphook: well it a good thing that me and ragnook have been looking into it for you more and that what we are doing now and it a good thing

I could tell that Harry and the others where still trying to letting everything settled in so I walked over to Harry and took my husband in my arms because . I know that he going. To be needing me right now and that a good thing if you ask me because I know that it not going to easy

Harry : ( cuddle up closer to rumes) I love you

Rumes : I love you too

James : this is still alot for Harry to be taking in why don't you take him to your bedroom rumes because he seems that he still trying to handle it all and I believe that my son is overwhelm by. All of it right about now

Rumes: I believe that you are right

Luicus: I'm going to head back to the mistery and do some work on my end with. Kingsley because we do you have enough information that we can put fudge on suspension right now and we can figure things out whether we could discuss his fate

Kingsley: I think I would be one of those things we can do right now and will look into everything more and that would all this information you would just give me my be able to do more than what I'm on suspension you might be able to get him took out of the position we might just be able to get him put them on ask before you have until you wait to trial but I've Got a Feeling if he goes to trial and everything with all this proves he won't be getting out of there

Harry : well that I'll be taking care of Minister fudge but we still need to figure out what we're going to do about Bloody Dumbledore

Lilly : pulls Harry into her arms we will figure this all out son and you have us all back now and we will have them.see what dumbledore is really about

And with that Harry let me take him upstairs and I know that he still in his heat because takes awhile for them get out of it and I'm going. To be taking care of Harry needs and I could tell that herminoe was feeling something like harry and since luicus just left I told Nacissa so she can take care. Of Herminoe because she luicus are Herminoe mates and with that I took Harry to my and his room .

Luicus POV

When me and kingsley's got to the mistery we had called a head with the proof and when we where walking. In the mistery was be show everything and there was know why he could get. Out of what he was doing and because of this he is now in over his head

Luicus: well by the looks of things Cornelius it looks like you're not going to be getting out of this rain anytime soon everything that you and Dumbledore to have planned is out the window

Cornelius fudge: I never have trusted that old coot he basically was the one in charge of everything that was going on I was just following his lead he got me the position of Minister and I had to follow his rules and everything like that for some reason damn it I don't know why I became one of his f****** followers

Kingsley: well we hereby remove us permission of Minister here by arrest you once value in Azkaban and we have all the proof against Dumbledore's we're going to have a trial for you and everything soon but your days are numbered

Luicus: you do know that this means I am acting Minister now until you get out because I was the next one in position I was Deputy mister so until we can figure this out for sure we have to see what's going to happen

Fudge: you were Deputy Minister s*** I remember now I'm not supposed to know how my Deputy minister is case something happens the deputy ministers job is to make sure that I do mind correctly and I don't fuk up and is there as a backup if anything happens s*** s*** s*** on f*****

Luicus: I have never heard you curse so much the Muggle way before

And with that I watched as he was took away it looks right now that dumbledore days are numbered

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