What not to do in front of your crush!

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K so Tina had this great idea of publishing a book that’s sort of a diary containing high school stuff and life ya know? Umm well she’s doing one call Tina’s book (what a stupid name xD) and I thought why not! So here is my diary you guys, I’m just saying this now, this contains some of my life but not everything in here is true so yea :p, hope you like reading it and if you enjoy things like this then check out this book by a friend of mine aka darkness2256 call Jane’s diary ;)

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (not edited just yet!)

Dear stupid diary!

Ever had that feeling that you are so lost and confuse and all because of a guy?! (Obviously not I’m a book you idiot! Pshh) Well I have that feeling and is not the best feeling either. You see there is this guy  (Don’t we all girls start the same way XP) call Jade at my school who I’ve been crushing on for about 3 months now and me being the crazy, risk taking girl I am I decided to talk to him, but here’s the thing every time I tried talking to him at school the words just wouldn’t come out, don’t you just hate it when that happens! It’s like on how to make a fool of you list that would definitely be one of them.


1.       Try talking to him … I said TRY because in the end no words are going to come out and you’ll be standing there in front of him just looking at him and probably drooling (but hopefully not, god I hope not!) while your poor little brain is having a hard time to start a convo!.... we’ll add more to this list later ^.^

Why is it so hard to start a conversation with the guy you like?! Especially if you can talk to another guy you want or well at least I can, I have this gift we can call it and my ‘gift’ is that I can make friend easily heck I even go around every morning at school hugging like 20n people! ( Tiana call’s me the queen of hugging >.>) But no life has to be a bitch sometimes and pause mute in your voice so you can’t talk to that one guy you really want to, but hey if you can’t talk to him at school there is always facebook! (Thank you life for facebook! =D) so I added him ( yes I had to add him first because I didn’t have him in my friends before…how stupid…) and started a convo with him and how do you start a convo with the guy you like?

“Hey sexy how you doing? ;)” <<<<<<<<<<< definitely not!  Or well up to you but and if he is like that but scary me just said HI! :D and he answered me….. progress girls or boys if there is actually one reading this >.>


Me- hey (loving the hey! :P)

Jace- hi  (now if you’re still breathing after that you try to continue the conversation..)

And once you get the conversation going how do you continue it?

“Go out with me smexy? *wink wink* <<ahaha no but you can try with How are you? And so on

Now I talked to this guy for 30 mins (pretty impressive for a first chat with a girl who just added you and you probably don’t know aye?) and what did we talk about you ask? Well about how smexy Taylor Lautner is ;)..haha… well kind of….. we talked about music and movies which was pretty good and I managed not to have a heart attack every time he answered me so I gave myself a pat on the back after :P  

Now I talked to this guy and you know how you try to make yourself notice by that guy you have your eyes set on? Well let me give you a tip talking very loud or walking around the class like an idiot is not gonna help….back to our little list! ^.^


1.       Try talking to him … I said TRY because in the end no words are going to come out and you’ll be standing there in front of him just looking at him and probably drooling (but hopefully not, god I hope not!) while your poor little brain is having a hard time to start a convo!.... we’ll add more to this list later ^.^

2.       Talking really loud like everyone is def …. Yea..not such a good idea because you’ll have your teacher telling you off for being too loud and half of the class telling you to shut up T^T

3.       Laugh like a hyena (you know does ugly animals..yea) well if your friends make a comment and you think that by laughing hysterically your crush is going to notice you, think again lovies because you will only look like your having a laughing attack followed by your teacher kicking you out of the class . ( In my defense the joke was funny!)

Now since I couldn’t talk to him in class because that didn’t work I decided to keep talking to him on FB chat and to my surprise we could actually talk a lot and all, plus I felt comfortable talking to him it wasn’t weird at all. So I tried talking to him again, now to do that I decided to wait for him to go past me and stop by saying hey! And I wish that I was that easy but no…. this is what happened

I was waiting with Tiana for him to walk past at lunch but I didn’t want to make it to ovious that I was waiting to I started walking slowly and when he was coming our way I turned around but kept walking and then BAM! Oops there is a wall in my way! Arghhh I just face planted into a wall infront of him.. T^T ( this is def going on out little list >:P)


1.       Try talking to him … I said TRY because in the end no words are going to come out and you’ll be standing there in front of him just looking at him and probably drooling (but hopefully not, god I hope not!) while your poor little brain is having a hard time to start a convo!.... we’ll add more to this list later ^.^

2.       Talking really loud like everyone is def …. Yea..not such a good idea because you’ll have your teacher telling you off for being too loud and half of the class telling you to shut up T^T

3.       Laugh like a hyena (you know does ugly animals..yea) well if your friends make a comment and you think that by laughing hysterically your crush is going to notice you, think again lovies because you will only look like your having a laughing attack followed by your teacher kicking you out of the class . ( In my defense the joke was funny!)

Number 4! When your walking look infront of you so you don’t ‘accidently’ run or face plant into a wall INFRONT of him! And after have your best friend on the floor rolling with laughter and you with a red cheek ( either from embarrassment or because you just hit the damn wall!)


Anyway guys I’ll write some more after but school homework calls …… I hope your laughing! ;) or that you actually liked it and please post a comment and vote it would mean the world to me!

and if you agree with the pic to the side then tell me ;)

Thx val! xox

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