saved by Him part 2

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(Dante's pov the next morning)
I wake up and feel something in bed with me I turn around and see vlad sleeping next to me I blush and quietly get ready for the day since it was Saturday I didn't really have school so I didn't have to wake Vlad up I went downstairs and got a bowl of cereal after a while I heard vlad wake up
"morning dante" he yawned "morning" I said we spent some of that morning watching a movie after while Vlad went home and I just wait for my mom to get back from work

(Vlad pov)
I go home feeling weird for some reason I decided to ignore it and go on with the day
"hey little pea how are you" mom asked "I'm good" I give her a small smile and head to my room that feeling still in my stomach why is it there I wondered why am I feeling this way do I like Dante?
I thought about for a while and came up with nothing said to leave it be for now then I got a text it was from Dante

Dante: hey vlad?

Vlad: yeah

Dante: do you know why there's blood in my bathroom?

Vlad: no why?

Dante: know reason

(Dante's pov)
I wonder why he lied to me that wasn't like him I need to talk with him I went to his house and knock on the door "oh hey dante vlad's upstairs"
"thank you mrs ro~meav" I give her a small smile and head up to Dante Vlad's room and knock on the door "Vlad you there" I said I knocked again with no answer I open the door and no one was there I went over to the bathroom and knocked on the door I heard small grunting inside but nothing else I open the door to see Vlad with blood dripping down his arms my eyes widened as I saw what he did to himself his arms and legs were covered with scars
He was crying when I went over and give him a hug I don't care if blood got on my clothes they can be washed out I let vlad go I help wash up his arms and bandaged them we clean up the bathroom and went to his room
"vlad why would you do that to yourself?" I asked he stayed quiet I asked again he shifted uncomfortably "Vlad you need to tell me" I said
"fine I do it because I'm ashamed of myself I do because my everything from my past hurts anything reminds me of it so I cut not enough to kill but enough to bleed" he said he started crying I huged him again "shh it's okay you're okay" he cried like that for a few minutes when he stopped he huged me back I felt a blush on my face why do I feel like this?
I ignore it and hugged back even tighter he started sobbing on my shoulder eventually he couldn't cry anymore he fell asleep on my shoulder and I laid him on his bed I decided to leave and go back home I don't know what to think so I just went to bed why do I feel so weird around him I feel like
I'm in love....

( You know sometimes I feel like why do I write fanfiction because I just ficking hate myself haha)

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