saved by him part 3

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(Vlad's pov)
I woke up it was around evening I remember Dante holding me but he was gone he probably went home I thought to myself just then I heard my mom calling "little pea I'm home!" I smiled and went downstairs I gave my mom a hug "hi mom how was work!"
"just fine how are you how was your day?"
"it was good mom!" "that's good let's make dinner" she said I smiled I love to help to make dinner because it's my favorite thing to do to get my mind off everything or anything a little while later garroth came home Zane was still in his room probably playing his game a lot people like watching his videos on his Battle game and I don't know why but it's good he was having fun doing it everyone came down to eat Zane gave me a knowing look at my arm and then back at me I looked down he mouthed 'don't worry I'm not going to tell anyone' I smiled and went back to eating after dinner was over I went to my room I got a text from Dante again plenty of them

(A while ago) Dante: Vlad how are you feeling?

Dante: you not replying to the text are you okay

Dante: Vlad you're scaring me please pick up

(Just now) Dante: if you don't reply to this text I'm heading over to your house

Vlad: hey sorry for scaring you I was just eating with my family don't worry I'm alright

Dante: thanks Irene you are scaring me Vlad anyway I was wondering if you'd like to hang out tomorrow at my house

Vlad: sure I'd love too my mom has to work and garroth is going over to Lawrence's place and Zane is going over to Travis's place so sure I'll be over there tomorrow

Dante: k see you tomorrow then

(The next day dante's pov)
I hear a knock at the door I open the door after checking who it was and see Vlad
"hey Vlad come on in"
"hey it's good to see you Dante" he said "you to Vlad" I said "what do you want to Vlad" I asked "well I was w-wondering" he said "you okay" "yeah" he took a deep breath "I was wondering if we could talk about yesterday" he finally said "what do you want talk about?" "well..." he looked down I go over and give him a small hug patting him on the back "come sit down and we can talk" I said he told me everything from when he was growing up about his dad dying about the people that wanted to kill him and his family "wow..." "yeah that's a lot to take in want to spend the night?" I asked "sure just let me call my mom and ask" "okay then" I said he walked out that poor boy I thought when he came back he was smiling from ear to ear "she said yes" he said
"but you don't have a stuff what will you wear tomorrow?" I said "can I borrow some of your stuff" he asked "I guess" "when there's nothing to worry about" I nodded and we headed to bed for some reason I insisted he sleep in my bed we were snuggled up against each other my bed wasn't that big but I didn't want him sleeping on the floor and getting a cold the next day he was asleep mumbling something it sound like he was saying 'I love you' it was probably just my imagination after that I fell asleep for some reason I was dreaming of him to...

vlante Saved by HimWhere stories live. Discover now