1. Yonghwa was born in 1989.06.22.
2. Yonghwa’s birth place is Busan.
3. Yonghwa’s Body secrete –> There’s Red dot on his arm.
4. Yonghwa has a nickname when he was young, thats “Yong Yong”.
5. Yonghwa’s Favorite seasons are Spring and Winter.
6. Yonghwa said he want to get married when he wants to, no care about age.
7. Yonghwa wanna has two children when he got married.
8. Q: “What type of father do you want to be?” Yonghwa said he wanna be father like a friend.
9. Here are Yonghwa’s Favorite fashion brand : Lanvin, Givenchy Watanabe Junya and Comme des Garcons.
10. Yonghwa’s Favorite fashion items are Shoes, clothes with a point.
11. Yonghwa hate bees and cockroaches.
12. Yonghwa ususally drinks a cup of coffee as soon as he wakes up in the morning.
13. Listening to music or composing are Yonghwa activities just before he fall asleep.
14. Clothes that Yonghwa wears when he sleep is Pajamas.
15. Yonghwa’s favorite animal is Tiger. That’s why he loves leopard things.
16. Yonghwa’s motto of life >> “Power of positiveness.”
17. Yonghwa’s first love is when he was 1st year of middle school.
18. Yonghwa ever been dumped, because he can’t say ‘let’s part’ to girl.
19. Name of Yonghwa’s dog is Jjing.
20. Thriller is Yonghwa’s favorite movie genre
22. Yonghwa good at playing basket ball.
23. Because he loves basket, once Yonghwa fell for the Japanese drama ‘Buzzer beat’.
24. Yonghwa said when he get tired, he’ll listen to CNBLUE ‘One time’.
25. Yonghwa’s favorite colors are gold, silver, black and blue.
26. Yonghwa’s favorite food is Meat.
27. Q:”Which do you like, a pig or a rabbit??” Yonghwa pick rabbit. He said rabbit is cute.
28. Yonghwa has one brother.
29. If Yonghwa has a summer vacation, he wanna go to sea.
30. For Yonghwa, the happiest moment in his life is every time of live performance.
31. Q:”When you were touched most?” Yonghwa:”At our first live concert, by the cheer of many fans.”
32. Q:”When you felt sad most?” Yonghwa:”When I was diagnosed as vocal cord nodules.”
33. Part of Yonghwa’s body or face he like is Eyes.
34. While part of Yonghwa’s body or face he hate is mouth.
35. Although Yonghwa doesn’t compose, he turn on the composing software everyday.
36. Yonghwa’s jinx >> He goes to the rest room before the live performance.
37. Subject that Yonghwa was good at are English and Physical education.
38. Yonghwa was poor at Math.
39. Special activities when Yonghwa was in school are Department of band, discussion of current events, pool, RCY(Red Cross Youth).
40. Yonghwa revealed that his specialty is imitating.