Ch. 8

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I literally stopped breathing as everything flashed in my head, my mom and dad celebrating my birthdays, them telling me stories of their childhood, mom telling me about when she was pregnant with me. All of it was lies, milo said it was to protect me but how the hell do you protect me by keeping something like this from me. I stood up and ignored their questioning looks as I walked out the front door.

They followed me out and milo grabbed my shoulder trying to turn me around to face him, but I grabbed his arm and flipped him over where he landed on his back

“why?” he looked saddened

“why, what?” I closed my eyes and he took that opportunity and flipped us so he had me pinned to the ground

“why did you keep it from me? We never keep secrets from each other milo and why are you telling me now?” he sighed but I kicked his chest sending him flying into his car braking the window

“of all the times you could have told me, why the fuck do you pick a time when I need you the most, when their already gone. You know you just took my whole family from me with those two words?” he stood up looking in pain

“rose, im sorry. It wasn’t supposed to be like this” I laughed humorlessly and shook my head at him

“really, milo? Then explain to me exactly how it was supposed to be. Did you expect me to smile and wave it off like nothing? Did you expect me to say its ok and to just live with this lie?” he shook his head

“no, but mom and dad were supposed to tell you, not me. They were going to tell you on your 18th” I narrowed my eyes at him

“you know what, sadly I could have handled it if the lie was you were behind their death, but this is too much” I was trying to control my breathing since my heart was pounding as if it was going to jump out of my chest

“aw so that’s the secret, the big slut has no family that actually wanted her” I snapped.

I turned around to becka who was looking at me with a smug look. Instantly I had her pinned to the side of the house by her throat

“you are really pushing my buttons” she smirked

“remember you promised your brother you wouldn’t kill me” I smirked back at her and nodded my head

“but as you’ve noticed, I don’t have a brother” her eyes widened and I could feel some of the guys trying to get to me but next thing I know, becka is held up against a tree and we’re somewhere in the woods

“how did you do that?” I looked at her confused

“I didn’t do anything” I held her tighter when she tried to move

“let me go, please” I shook my head

“I cant do that” before she could answer a guy walked out of the trees towards us

“yes you can, rose” I looked at him and he had the same black hair as me and the same fuchsia eye color. I felt like I was having a out of body experience


I was standing in a room that was red and purple, there was a beautiful antique crib in the corner along with a rocker, toys, and a dresser. It seemed so familiar but I know iv never seen it before, I think. A baby started crying so I walked over to the cradle and there laid a little girl no more than a few days old. She was wearing a beautiful white dress and a matching knitted hat, she kept crying and screaming and that’s when I heard feet running towards the door.

I stepped back just when a 10 year old boy walked in, he looked like the smaller version of the guy who was standing in the field. He carefully picked up the baby and started rocking her and kissing her head

“its ok, bubby has you” he started singing a soft lullaby to her and soon she fell back asleep. He laid her down in the cradle and kissed her head one last time

“bubby wont let anything happen to you, I promise”


I released my hold on becka but she still stayed in place, as I was pulled back into more images


A women, with long white as snow hair and dark blue and green eyes eyes, was smiling down at the baby girl with a loving expression

“you look just like your papa” the baby smiled up at her with a toothy grin, still looking under a month old, and started blowing bubbles with her spit

“your name fits you just perfect, Dourada Rosa, my little golden rose” the same little boy came running into the room with a wide smile

“is she awake mama?” the woman smiled and nodded her head

“yes ash, she is” he sat at his moms feet since she was sitting on the rocker

“she is really pretty, like you mama” the woman’s smile brightened

“she will be the most wanted woman there ever is” the boy had a mean look to his face

“nobody gets my baby sister, I’ll kill them first” she laughed and shook her head

“just don’t be mean to her and let her have some freedom” he shook his head with a smirk

“no promises” before anything else could be said their was a loud gun shot that rang through the air and caused the baby to scream as if she was in pain. The mother grabbed both of her children and hid them behind her, just as a man and woman walked in the room

“give us the child and nobody gets hurt” she growled and her teeth grew longer and her nails looked like knives

“over my dead body” the woman smiled sinisterly

“just how I wanted it” she shot the mother in the chest and pried the baby from her brothers arms, which just caused her to scream even louder. They walked out and the child kneelt down to his mothers side

“mama? Please be ok” she forced a smile on her face and touched his cheek

“be brave, my child. Its my time to go” the child let out a soft sob

“but mama I need you, daddy needs you” she coughed and grimaced in pain

“do me a favor before I go, ash” he nodded his head as tears streamed down both of their faces

“anything” she smiled and kissed his cheek

“find your sister and keep her safe, get our little golden rose back” he nodded his head and laid it on her chest

“anything for you mama”


I looked over at the man who was standing less than 5 feet away from me

“who are you?” he smiled and something in me was trying to drag me to him

“my name is ash, im your brother”


i know its kind of short, but it was more of a filler.... im graduating tonight so im going to be busy for the next couple of days but i will try and post another chapter around monday :)

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