Ch. 1 The BAU

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"Kara I know that you just graduated and this is your first year in the bureau" Strauss said, I had just finished school and had finally became a profiler.

"I want you to go with the BAU" she handed you a transfer slip. I walked out of the office and went to the elevator, pressed the button to go to the 6th floor. When the elevator binged my heart stopped, knowing that I am going to work with seven of the best profilers in the bureau. I had only been an full agent for only a week and giving a job like this, I was way over my head about it. I walked into the doors for the BAU and saw everyone working, in the corner there was a group of people laughing and talking, meanwhile I was looking for agent Hotchner's office.

"Excuse me" a girl with blonde hair said , I looked at her outfit and it didn't really look like a typical FBI agent, she was wearing a colorful dress with maybe six inch high heels, I praise her for wearing those, by about thirty minutes my feet would hurt.

"You look like a lost puppy" she said with a smile of her face.

"yeah, I'm looking for agent Hotchner" I said.

"right now he is in his office doing paperwork" she said pointing to an office.

"thank you so much" I said then walked up the five stairs that led to his office. I knocked on the door, "come in" a voice said behind the door.

I walked in "agent Rose right" he said, I nodded in response.

"Please sit" he said.

"I have seen that you are more than qualified for this position, why this team" he asked.

"When I was younger I was kidnapped along with five other girls that where my age the BAU saved me right before I was almost killed" I said bring back the pain and suffering that I was going through at that time.

"So the agents that saved you where David Rossi and Jason Gideon if I am correct" he said, I nodded in response.

"I just want to ask you one question agent Rose" he said.

"Okay" you replied.

"Rose I know that you fought and protected for this country, and I see that your record is spotless, but I don't want secrets, the military is good at hiding things but I do not want any secrets from this team" he said.

"Sir I won't hide anything from this team or you and that is a promise, I fought for this country for one reason and that reason wasn't to keep secrets" I said. I was looking around his office while he was finishing some paperwork, a book shelf full of law books, and all of his degrees framed on his was dedicate that he's from law school. A picture of a little boy on his desk, no picture of a wife and no ring, a single father that has a law background, maybe a sensitive guy who loves to take order.

"Okay Rose I'm impressed with your file, I am so happy to tell you welcome to the team" he said getting up from his chair to shake my hand.

"Excuse me sir but we have a case" the girl that helped me out earlier said.

"Are you ready because you start today" he asked.

"Yeah I'm ready" I said.

"Okay well let's go" he said as he opened up the door for me to walk out of his office. We walked into a room full of the same agents I saw when I walked in. "Guys this is agent Rose, she will be the new member of the team" agent Hotchner said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all" I said kindly.

"Hi I'm Penelope Garcia the technical analyst here for the BAU" she said with the same smile on her face as the same one when she came and got agent Hotchner.

"I'm JJ."

"I'm Emily Prentiss."

"Some people call me Derek Morgan but you can call me anytime." 

"David Rossi." I nodded at his name, I don't think he remembers me, that was at least 20 years ago. (By the way Kara is 30 years old)

"I'm Doctor Spencer Reid" he said from the other side of the room.

"And you already know me, people call me Hotch around here."

"I would love to continue this but we have a case and it isn't a pretty one" Garcia started.

"In Austin Texas there had been three killings, all the same MO but different background so far, their names are going through the program right now. Maria Mayer, Kaycee Avery, and Aleese Kyler"

"They are all girls, in their bedrooms' with their hands tied up their headboard" Reid spoke.

"All in their underwear and bra" JJ questioned.

"Was there any sexual assault" Morgan asked.

"Yeah" Garcia responded.

Me being the person I am, I wasn't saying anything, this was new, my first FBI case. All that I have known was the things that where in Iraq and the old cases that we reviewed in the academy. It was silent for a minute until Hotch broke the silence, "Wheels up in thirty." Everyone got up and walked out.

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