Ch. 2: Expert Profilers in action

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We arrived to the airport. Cutting through every line we went through the airport to their, "Private jet. You guys have a private jet" I said.

"Yeah" Hotch said.

"Is it a problem newbie" Morgan said passing me to get on the jet. I walked up and sat down in a seat where no one was sitting.

Time skip because I'm lazy

We are about five minutes out, "Hey let's review the case" Hotch said.

We all sat down, Garcia called on the laptop on the table, "we don't have good news, if you would pay all attention to your tablets, there is another victim, Kylie Sum, same MO and no ties to the other victims."

"Okay Morgan and Reid go check out the morgue, Rossi, Prentiss, and JJ go look at the latest crime scene, and Rose and I will get set up at Austin PD" Hotch ordered.

I grabbed my dog tags and tucked them into my shirt. The plane landed and I followed Hotch to the black SUV. "Hey Rose" Hotch said getting into the front seat.

"Yeah" I said buckling my seat belt.

"I see you have your tags, how long where you in Iraq" he asked.

"Oh three and a half years. Two tours" I said.

"Why did you decide military instead of going straight into FBI" he asked.

"My country does so much for me and I wanted to give back, then I have always studied serial killers and I wanted to see what happens in person" I replied.

"Oh. If you don't mind me asking what did you do in the military" he asked.

"Oh, um well I was a combat solider" I replied.

"Oh that's interesting" he said.

The rest of the ride to the police department was silent. We pulled up and outside the head detective was standing outside waiting for us. We both got out of the black SUV. "Hi I'm Bella the head detective on this case, you must be agent Hotchner" she asked.

"Yeah, this is agent Rose" he said shaking her hand. "The rest of us will be here a little later" he added.

Bella showed us to their conference room where there were two evidence boards, seven chairs, a small TV and a phone. "Wow this is different than Iraq" I mumbled to myself.

About one hour later the whole team came back

"Do you guys have anything" Hotch asked.

"Yeah the crime scene shows a little bit of a struggle. She held a fight. And by the placks that are on her shelf says that she might be in law enforcement or even military" Reid added.

Military... that's just awesome. I turned back around to face the evidence board, looking at each picture. "Hey Hotch do you see this" I asked.

"What is it" he said coming up to me.

"Look at each of the victims' rooms. Each photo is placed down" I said.

"Maybe that happened in a struggle" JJ said

"Maybe but it happened in the struggle it would mostly likely be on the ground. I think the unsub is facing it down" I said.

"Okay maybe has family issues. A loner" Rossi said.

"Maybe the opposite of a loner maybe he's married and has children" Morgan said.

"Okay why don't we sleep on this new theory. Go to the hotel and start fresh tomorrow" Hotch ordered.

"That means you too Aaron" Rossi said.

I headed to the hotel and took a shower. Getting dressed I heard a knock at the door, I headed over to the door and checked in the peep hole, the person on the other side was Prentiss. I opened it up, "hey Prenitss" I said.

"Hi Kara, I wanted to ask you something" she said.

"Okay what's wrong" I asked

"I saw your dog tags earlier on the jet, were where you deployed" she asked.

"Oh um Iraq" I said, "is there a problem" I asked.

"Oh no Morgan, JJ, and I were wondering, we thought it was cool to have someone on the team that was in the military" she said

"Oh I still am in the military, I'm on call, so if they need me they will call, and there is no exception, I have to be there if they call, and agent Hot... I mean Hotch knows is aware of that" I said.

"Wow that's cool. Hey I also wanted to ask how did you piece that all together back at the station" she asked.

"See, I just noticed that the frames where faced down and I may have put two and two together" I said.

"Okay, well I will see you tomorrow, get some sleep okay Rose" she said.

"Yeah you too" she said.

I closed the door and right as I was about to turn off the lights my phone buzzed, I ran across the room and saw that White was calling, colonel White, I quickly picked it up, "this is Rose, please don't say you need me" I said

"No but your going to be mad and wanting to come back" he said.

"What" I said with the smile fading from my face.

"Prisoner 4735 escaped prison" he said. "Kara for your own safety stay in the states" he said.

"You cannot give me an order like that" I said.

"Kara I am, I will tell you if we find anything, but for now just keep this to yourself, for the safety of your team and you please don't say anything" he said. 

"Fine keep me updated then" I said then hung up.

I plugged in my phone and went to bed terrified for my life. What the hell now. What the hell am I going to do about this. He will kill me and my team and I can't say shit to my team. 

Smile    Hotchner X OCWhere stories live. Discover now