Ch. 11

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I woke up to the sounds of my phone going off.

"Rose" I said half asleep.

"Hey it's Hotch, I need to speak to you, can we meet in my room in ten minutes"

"Yeah sure, can I ask what this is about"

"I'll tell you when you get here." He hung up.

I got up and got dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror to cover my tattoo that is on my shoulder so no one can see, and walked out the door. I walked down the hall to Hotch's room, and knocked on it. He opened greeting me, "I need another pair of eyes for this" he said handing me his file.

"Hotch did you get any sleep" I asked.

"Yeah, Rose what do you think about this being the preliminary profile" he said going back to his bed and sat down at the end of it.

"Okay..." this profile was incomplete, but I don't know what is incomplete about it. "Hotch, this profile must have taken you all night, you told us to get some rest and start fresh..."

"Rose don't lecture me" he said with a stern tone in his voice.

"Okay, but it's incomplete" I said handing him the file.

"What do you mean"

"I don't know how to explain it. But it is incomplete and sloppy" I said walking out, "and Hotch. Get some rest, I'll get coffee" before I could close the door I heard Hotch throw down the file on the table in anger.

"What the hell do you mean it is incomplete" I raised his voice.

"Hotch you need to calm down please" I said closing the door walking over to him who had sat down on the edge of his bed.

"I worked all night on that damn profile" I sat down at the edge of the bed.

"Is there something going on at home" I asked.

"What do you mean" he asked.

"Well somethings got your panties in a wad what is it" I asked.

"Jack asked if he was ever going to get a new mom, I'm not doing a good job getting by myself" he said looking down at his feet. I froze in shock, I didn't know what to say or do. I sat there not knowing what to say, just sitting there.

"Hotch, you're a great father, I know by the way you treat this team" I said.

"I'm always away maybe that's it" he mumbled.

"I'm going to go get coffee, I'll be back" I said getting up and walking out the door. I grabbed a set of keys to one of the SUVs and drove to the nearest coffee shop. Carrying all those cups out was a little difficult. "Damn, I should have brought someone to help." I mumbled to myself

"Excuse me, do you need any help" a man said coming up behind me"

"Oh no thanks I've got it" I said almost dropping the coffee.

"Yeah, you do need help" he said grabbing one of the cup holders.

"Thanks" I said giving up. I looked down at his belt and he had a gun. "You know what, I've got it" I said.

He looked down and noticed that his gun was showing, he put the coffee down in the roof of the SUV and grabbed my arm which. I tried to fight back but it wasn't any use, he was stronger than me. He couldn't be our unsub, who was this guy, our unsub was timid, he wouldn't be this strong. We then turned the corner and he pushed me up against the wall. "Don't make a sound" he ordered. 

He didn't want to hurt me, I could tell by the way he looked. "Who the hell are you" I asked.

"Agent Kara Rose, an officer of the military, White's partner, that's you right" he asked.

"Yeah, but how..." 

"I was told to deliver a message to you, be careful, they are watching. Now I have to go" 

"Wait I'm confused, who the hell are you" 

"You don't recognize me, seems as well, Kara" he turned around and started to walk away.

"Wait, who are you" I asked.

"Isaac, Isaac White, I'm Charlie's son" he said.

"Wait, last time I saw you, you were kicked out of West Point, how the hell did you find me" 

"That's classified, you should get back to your team, you are needed. Bye Kara" he got in a truck and left. 

I walked upstairs to everyone's rooms handed them their coffee and we headed to the police station, everybody except Hotch, Rossi told him to stay back and get some rest, of course Hotch argured with Rossi, but eventually Rossi won the argument. I was sitting in the back seat of the SUV staring out the window. "Hey Rose, you good back there" Morgan asked from the passenger seat. Of course the person that I am, I wasn't paying attention, "Rose" Morgan said once more.

"Kara" Rossi said a little louder.

"Yes, I jumped at the sound of his booming voice.

"Are you okay" Morgan asked once again.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking" I replied. I looked out the window remembering what exactly happened with Isaac.

"What's going on" I said running down to the mess hall where the commotion was happening. I ran down the stairs and saw Isaac White, my partner, getting yelled at by his father and the head of the school. Students surrounded the three gossiping like teenage girls.

"Don't you lie to me Isaac. I know what happened" that's all White said.

The head master dismissed everyone. I walked past Isaac and grabbed my arm and spun me around so I was facing the two bigger men. "You put all your faith in this piece of shit" he spat.

"Isaac let go of Officer Rose" White said. He let his grip off of me. "Rose you may continue your chores for today" White dismissed me.

The next day I woke up and found out that Isaac was kicked out of West Point. And nobody knew why. We arrived to the PD and another body has turned up. Except this one was different.

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