Family Before All Else (One-Shot)

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Heyyy! This is my first fanfic so don't judge if it's not that good. So yeah, hope you guys like it! If you do make sure to vote and leave comments =^.^=

Disclaimer: I do not own any of characters....They belong to the BBC :)

"Morgana!" A voice called. "Morgana, wake up!"

"Huh? What?" I opened my eyes and saw Morgause leaning over me, shaking me awake.

"Morgause?! What are you doing here, you'll be caught!" I told her in a rush.

"I know, I'm being careful. But today is the day." She said to me grimly.

What? "So soon?" I frowned. No, this can't be right. I'm not ready! I can't do this!

Morgause smiled at me but it held no humor. "Good luck sister."

And with that she was gone, no trace of her left behind. I flopped back onto my pillow. No, I don't think I can do this anymore. He's like family. I can't. I can't! I screamed into my pillow. Today was the day. Today my sister wanted me to murder Merlin, my best friend.

An hour later

"Are you alright, milady?" Gwen looked at me worriedly. "You've hardly touched your food."

I looked up from my scrambled eggs and bacon. "No, no, I'm fine." I reassured her.

She didn't look convinced but she nodded. "If you say so."

"I will see you tonight Gwen." I bid her farewell and headed to find Merlin although my heart told me not to listen to Morgause.

I wandered the corridors aimlessly, debating what I should do. Merlin was more than just my friend. I think I may--I think I-I love him. I couldn't do this! Not even for Morgause. But she was my sister. I had to. Argh, I mentally screamed.

"Morgana, watch out!" A voice yelled behind me. I turned around only to be knocked over by none other than Merlin. He grinned at me and got up, offering me his hand. I took it and he lifted me up.

I smiled at him. "What was that?"

He ducked his head shyly, "I may have fallen down the stairs."

I laughed. "Oh Merlin. You really must learn to be more careful."

"So I am told." He shrugged. "I can't seem to help it."

My eyes met his and I lingered for a second too long, staring at his beautiful eyes.

"Uh, Morgana?" He asked me.

I looked away from his eyes. They were different. Almost...magical. "Yes?"

"I was um-well, wondering if you might liketogoonapicnicwithme." He stuttered.

I giggled. "What was that?"

"Do you maybe want to go on a picnic?" His face grew red.

I raised my eyebrows. "Really?" I was smiling to myself. Merlin had just asked me out. Does this mean he likes me too?

He simply nodded.

"Well in that case, I would love to!" I answered enthusiastically.

His whole face lit up. "Great! I'll grab the horses."

As soon as he was out of sight my smile fell away. Now I had to make my decision. Morgause or Merlin?

Later that day

"So Morgana have you been in touch with Mordred?" Merlin asked me casually. We were sprawled out on one of the horse's blankets eating the leftovers from last nights feast. It was all we had been able to steal from the kitchen. I pondered what to tell him. I decided on the truth. "A little. He's been doing well and he introduced me to this girl named Morgause."

Family Before All Else (One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now