letter 8

358 14 0

January 27th, 2012

Dear Ariana,

Haven't written in awhile woah.

I've been quite busy

I'm going back to Australia soon and I am really excited to see my family and friends again. I know for a fact that mum misses me and that I'll miss you <3

I must admit I am in love with your new music. 'The Way' (I think that's what it's called) is amazing. I'm guessing it is about me? It will be a hit! I'm positive

This we can survive without each other for a couple of weeks. The boys and I are heading to the UK soon and will be working with some cool youtubers like Mazzi Maz and Sam Pepper

My letters are getting shorter and shorter

yours sincerely,

jai brooks <3

your future husband

ps. miss you

pps didn't mention this but I love you <3

Dear Ariana,Where stories live. Discover now