letter 25

104 11 0

May 1st, 2014

Dear Ariana,

So ... I haven't written a letter to you in a long time. The boys told me it would keep reminding me of you and would take me back into a spiral of being sad and missing you. But now you've given me a second chance and you won't regret it I promise. I hope we work out

Congratulations on the success of problem by the way! I'm so proud of you. I always have been proud of you. You've achieved so much in such a small time.

yours sincerely,

jai brooks <3

not many chapters left sadly. I have another book which is all the letters ariana wrote to jai which I'll start to update more. It's on my profile and called 'dear jai,"

I can't promise that I'm gonna update more often but I'll try my best to update at least once a week.

Thank you for 8k reads

Have a great day x

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