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Mrs. Wheeler's car drove past, Mike and Jess waiting till it was clear before they rode back to Mike's house.

"Ok, let's head back," Jess says, riding down the hill, Mike following behind her.


"You want anything to drink?" Mike asked Eleven who was following the pair around the house.

"We have OJ, skim milk....what else?"

"Water?" Jess teased, causing a smile to appear on Eleven's lips as Mike rolls his eyes

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"Water?" Jess teased, causing a smile to appear on Eleven's lips as Mike rolls his eyes.

She headed into the living room, looking at the TV.

"Um, we have..."

Mike turned and smiled as Eleven studied the TV with her eyes.

"Oh, this is my living room."

"It's mostly just for watching TV

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"It's mostly just for watching TV. Nice right? It's 22-inch."

"That's like ten times bigger than Dustin's

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"That's like ten times bigger than Dustin's." Jess giggled, Mike nodding.

Eleven walked up to the family pictures, looking at one of Nancy.

"Pretty." She smiled.

Jess rolls her eyes as Mike frowned.

"I guess."

Bookworm & Toothless (Stranger Things AU) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now