A letter to change everything

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Bella's POV

Right now i am sitting in the Cullens living room next to Alice, Esme and Rosalie watching as Emmett, Jasper and Edward play video games and I cant help but smile.... They really are adorable.

" Hey Everyone. " Carlisle says as he walks in and kisses Esme and everyone else just says Hi.

" Bella, this came to my work for you " Carlisle says and my head shoots to face him and i see him holding a black box and an envelope and I take them from him.

" Thanks?" I say questionably

As I open the letter I instantaneously smile as i read the letter ----

Please Join the,

Mikaelson Family, on the 27th on November.

For a night of dancing, drinks and Christmas celebration

I then flip the card over and i see a handwritten note from Niklaus.

Dearest Bella,

Save me the first dance,

Fondly, Niklaus Mikaelson

" Love? Who's Niklaus " Edward asks as he takes the note from my hands and I just ignore him and open the necklace box and my breath stutters as i see the contents

" Love? Who's Niklaus " Edward asks as he takes the note from my hands and I just ignore him and open the necklace box and my breath stutters as i see the contents

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" Wow Bella, thats gorgeous " Alice says as she sees the necklace

" whats the letter about Bella?" Emmett asks as he hugs Rosalie

" Nothing, shes not going " Edward says and i look at him

" A Ball, an old friend is holding, and i AM going, hows about we all go?" I say looking at Edward and he finally gives in.

" Okay, everyone let's go and pack a bag each, looks like we are going to Mystic Falls, Virginia " Carlisle says

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