A dance to remember

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Bella's POV

As Nik lead me to the ball room i couldn't take my eyes of off him .... He was so mesmerising.

As we start to dance i note that there are about 23 couples dancing around us but all I can focus on is Niklaus.

" You really do look beautiful Isabella " Nik says
" Thank you Niklaus " I say with a smile

We dance and all I can focus on was Nik ... At the start i did see Alice and Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie and Carlisle and Esme but I can't see them anymore but I get drawn back in by Niklaus

" I didn't think you would make it. " he says
" I wouldn't have missed this for the world Niklaus" I say as he spins me again and I have to say it feels like I'm in heaven just dancing with Nik again brings back so many memories and then the music ends and we are just looking into each other's eyes and then I hear applaud and I look around to see no one else in the dance floor.

Nik bends down and kisses my hand like a gentleman and I curtsy to him with a giggle.

" uh oh Jealous Finance 8 o'clock.... I'll see you later my love " he says and I give him a smile and nod and he walks away and I am met as I turn around to a pissed off Edward.

" Bella! What the .... I thought I'd have your first dance tonight " he says putting his arms around my waist and I look up to him.

" I'm sorry Edward just forget about it okay ..... Niklaus is just a friend nothing more i promise " I say with a kiss

" Okay but I get the next one " he says and I smile and nod and we walk over to were the rest of his family is and I see Alice is jumping looking like she is about to explode

" Alice you okay??. " I ask and she just stops jumping and turns to me and a smile grows

" Oh my god bella! That's was sooooo romantic! Awww! Your so lucky! Ahhhh!! Jasper!! why can't you be like that!??! " she says turning from me to Jasper and he has a ' please help me ' look on his face

" he can't be like that Alice because like I said to Edward Niklaus is just a friend and Jasper is your husband and there is a distinct difference between a friend and a husband " I say and she calls down and giggles

I look to my left and I see Esther jester to someone to follow her and I look to see another damn petrova bitch-twin and I see her follow and I know this can't be good.

" if you can all excuse me I'll be right back i just have to go and ask Elijah something " I say and they all nod and I follow them up the stairs and I smell one of those damn secretive spell things but me being me I grabbed a pin from my hair and I prick myself with it and use my blood on the door so I can hear what they are talking about but it seems they aren't talking but the door is slowly opens and I take cover in one of the side rooms.

" yes Isabella? " I turn to see Kol standing there and I put my finger to my mouth and tell him to shut it and I listen as Esther tells the girl to make sure all of Niks family drinks the champagne and I look to Lol and he nods and we both make our way downstairs and I see Rebekah with two blondes, Niklaus and Elijah and I walk to them

" why hello there. " I say and they all turn to me and Rebekah hugs me

" Bella this is my date Matt Donovan and this is Caroline Forbs " she say and I shake Matt's hand and Caroline just death stares me

" I just came to tell you there " pointing to Elijah, Niklaus and Rebekah " to not to drink the champagne they are about to give out ... Your mother has done some think to it " I say and they all nod and I make my way back to the Cullens

" You alright bella? " Edward says and I nod, hopefully nothing bad happens.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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