English Quotes

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" The best feeling comes when you realize that your'e perfectly happy without the people you taught you needed the most "

" Not everyone who is sweet to you. love you.
Remember: The candy is sweet but the wrapper is plastic! "

" Real mem never stop trying to show a girl how much she means to him even after he has got her. "

" The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment. "

" Your'e only young once, so stop worrying and be happy. "

" I may not be the most cutest boy that your'e dreaming of, but i have the simple swag that could take your shit off. "

" I can appreciate coffee without cream, night without lights, hamburger without cheese but never a whole day without you. "

" I dont need to have a picture of you for me to remember you, cause your face is already painted in my heart and copied a million times in my mind "

" The more you hate me the more i hateyou too. Its just like im telling you how much i love you. "

" Hearts could only love for a while. Feet could only walk some mile. Clothes wont be forever in style. But Gods love for you lasts until the end of time. "

" Falling inlove with a friend is such a romantic way of having the best partner in life, but sometimes friends are only meant to be friends. "

" Im not ready to die, so please dont show me your killer smile. "

"  Never forget to thank God for all the blessings he has given to us, no matter how good or bad theres always a reason  and its always for the best. "

" The greatest gift i recieve from god, i call him dad. "

" Hes not the only guy in the universe but hes the only one that matters. "

" Maybe im not a good handler of a long time relationship, but atleast i did my best to prove it. "

" Sometimes people did not actually change, you just never know who they really are. "

" People fall inlove not knowing why nor how, its because love is a special feeling that doesnt require much answers. You just love no matter how stupid you become. "

" Kindness is the language where the deaf can hear and  blind can see. "

" To tell her the truth and make someone cry is better than to tell a lie and make someone smile. "

" Take a sweet smile when your'e being insulted and judge  with wrong information. Sometime, a smile is enough to make them regret with their words. "

" If forgiveness and acceptance are always there in your heart, then it will always be easy for you to smile again no matter how it hurts. "

" You can ignore me as long as you like, but you can never change the memories i brought into your life. "

" Staying single is not about having no one. Its an opportunity to wait for the right one. "

" No one can dictate whos the person for us because the only person that we deserve is always the person of our choice. "

" Giving your 100% to someone can lead you to nothing. "

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