The Volturi

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I rush to my bedroom and pack my things and my passport.

"Emma please stay it's too dangerous!" Harry pleads.

"No, I need to save Ej. Otherwise it will be all my fault" I say rushing out of the house and into Bella's car.

We take a plane straight to Italy and then Bella hires a super fast car. All of a sudden Bella stops.

"Why are you stopping?" I ask.

"We will be too slow together, go get him at the clocktower."

Alice called us earlier saying he is going to reveal himself by using his mind control gift. The Volturi rejected killing him earlier because of his gift but if he does this, Ej will die. Gwen told him that I was dead.

I rush out of the car and push everyone out of the way. I stop at a fountain where I see Ej stepping outside about to reveal himself. I jump into the fountain and run across, I jump down and quickly grab Ej.

"Stop Ej!"


"It's me, I'm okay. I'm alive!"

He takes me into the building and we kiss.

"Ej, I see we have a visitor?" I hear a woman coming in.

She has blonde hair and red eyes.

"I'm Jane. You must be Emma."

I give her a nod.

"We will be leaving now" Ej says.

"Not so fast, Aro would like to meet her."

Ej just looks at me and grabs my hand. I give him a nod and we walk to an elevator. The music made it quite awkward. We finally made it to the last level and we get taken into the room.

"Fantastic! Emma is alive after all" He smiles. "I'm Aro"

He grabs Ej's hand.

"Aro can read my thoughts by one touch" Ej explains.

"Well, you can't read her thoughts? Just like your mother. May I?"

I put out my hand and Aro puts both of his hands around it.

"Interesting, I keep getting distracted. Why don't we try our others with gifts, Jane?"

"No!" Ej yells and steps in front of me.

He collapses to the ground and yells in pain.

"Stop!" I yell.

Two guards grab Ej and he struggles to break free. Jane tries her gift which I guess she can make people feel pain, but I feel nothing. Aro then laughs.

"Just like your mother Ej. Quite interesting, we should change her. She will be very helpful for the Volturi."

"No! Don't!" Ej yells.

Ej breaks out of the guards arms and jumps in front of me. The vampire beside Jane comes towards him and they start to fight. I cry for them to stop but it is no use. Ej gets thrown against a cement table and it breaks.

"Please don't hurt her!" Ej says.

"She knows too much." The blonde vampire says.

"Wait!" I hear someone behind me call, it's Alice.

"Emma will be one of us. I've seen it."

Aro holds Alice's hand and see what she saw.

"Indeed. You are free to go. But when I see you again, I except that she will be a vampire."

Two guards escort us back to the door and let us out.


I wake up to someone whispering my name. I open my eyes and see Ej.

"I am so sorry" He whispers.

"Ej it's okay. Please stop saying sorry. Your here now, thats all that matters" I smile.

"What are all these?" He asks.

I look on my bed to see a bunch of drawings.

"I've been drawing a lot lately. I was just looking at them all."

He picks up the one I drew of him in the snowy landscape, then the one of Gwen and Bella and the one of Liam playing with toys.

"Is it okay if I take these?" He asks

"Yeah sure" I say.


-Ej POV-

I went home and took the drawings Emma made to show my family.

"Hey Ej" I hear Renesmee

"Hey, can everyone meet me in the kitchen?" I ask.

Everyone comes into the kitchen with me. I explain to them that I went to visit Emma and saw all these pictures surrounding her and I took a few. I show them the one of me.

"The strange thing is, I was actually in Alaska for a while and I remember looking at the horizon."

"Yeah, this one of Mum and I fighting did actually happen" Gwen says.

"This one of Liam playing with his toys did happen as well" Jacob says.

"I don't think Emma is normal" I say.

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