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Dedicated to @kikibando thank you for always commenting,,I'm glad you enjoyed this story😌

-Emma POV-

The war didn't happen. Ej and I will still be able to be in Hazel's life, and that brings me joy. We say goodbye to the people who helped us witness Hazel.

I have given her my old spell books and I have been helping her with her magic. We still visit my mum and dad and they kind of understand what has been going on.

Bella has been teaching me how to show my memories with my distraction gift which is pretty cool. I showed Ej this morning and he wanted to see it again.

Ej finally opened up to me about Jennifer, its still a bit hard for him but I support him.

Liam and Hazel are like best friends now they are always together like glue. Noah and Gwen are engaged to get married and Ness and Jacob are expecting their next child.

I guess everyone has their happily ever after, but for us its forever.

PLEASE read the next chapter (Authors Notes)

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