BBS woah....

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sorry I didn't right 


He gave me a kiss and he said "gave it back" I looked at him like waoh....then Mia said "no he's mine!!" Then the teacher said "you to come" Then Evan said yeah?" Then the teacher said "are you guys dating?" Then he said "yea" then when we lefted she got in trouble we all had to went to class even Mia I saw  I forgot his name but he came up close and whispered in m year he said meet me after school I said "umm...ok" Evan said "umm... number when you kissed me in umm... gym" I looked down and he said "I think ...umm.....I like you..." I looked at him then I meet his eyes he meets mine while I was in his eyes I said " I like you to" and I said "omg I'm sorry" then he kissed me in class and MIa said "HAII!!" while it was after school I walked home and I was listening to music and I heard honking I looked and ignored it then I looked It stopped I stared  speed walking and I felt someone grab my arm hard I put my head phones off I said "what do you want let go of me!!" Then I forgot I was going to meet jonathan then I yelled "JONATHAN HELP ME!!" 


while I was waiting I said forget it while I was walking I heard jonathan help me then I was thinking whos that then I said "H20!" while I was running I saw boys saying who sur name come with me I saw H20 then I hided then I was thinking what should I do then I said what I di was her boy friend while I was waling I said "babe what are you doing to my girl friend!?" then she said umm.. babe hi theses..guys were....trying to take me home. Then I saw Evan down there.....


Evan came and said whats going on then H20 said "theses guys were trying to take me home and my boy friend tried to help me" Then Evan said "what?!?" then Evan hit one of the boys and said "wanna peace of me!" They all ran in the car and drove away Then he said "so you guys are dating!??" then H20 said "no he was trying to help me" the Evan came up to H20 and kissed me on the lips and said "its good you are not hurt!?"


I'm good but my arm hurts tho he pulled to hard and then jonathan and Evan walked me home then I said "well now guys no where I live" the were surprised then jonathan said "wait you both are dating now?!?" then I walked up to Evan then I looked up then Evan game me a kiss then jonathan said "you guys look so.......cute" then while they walked back then were talking about me.

I hope u guys liked it butb I have to go to sleep or read well byezzz

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