Chapter 28

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Demi's P.O.V

It's new yeas eve today and Scarlett isn't feeling any better then Christmas Day in fact she's probably worse she hasn't eaten since Christmas dinner, I'm really starting to get worried about her but she won't go to the doctors or hospital so there's nothing I can really do. It's 1pm and she's still in bed I'm about to cook her some pancakes and try and get her to eat them.

Just as I was about to flip the first pancake when my phone went off. I looked at it and it was a tweet from Scarlett.

@SRAutumn Hey guys I'm not dead aha just not feeling well, have a great day everyone #Scarlett'snotdead

I smiled at my phone then continued with the pancakes just as I finished cooking them Scarlett walked into the kitchen.

"Hey babe" I said quietly so Dallas couldn't hear, she's the only one here at the moment everyone else went shopping for the party tonight.

"Hey" she gave a small smile

"How are you today" I asked worried

"Better" she said

"Good, now eat" I demanded handing her the plate

"I'm not hungry" she replied

"At least try a bit please, you haven't eaten in days" I said

"I'll eat when I'm ready not when you force me to" she spat putting the plate down and stormed upstairs, I grabbed the plate and took it upstairs with me.

"You need to eat" I demanded

"No I don't" she spat

"Yes you do, you haven't eaten in days" I yelled

"Because I haven't been well Demi, not everybody has eating problems" she yelled and you could tell she instantly regretted it, I put the plate on my bed and started to walk out.

"Demi please I didn't mean it" Scarlett said I ignored her and walked out and went downstairs.

"What was that yelling" Dallas asked but I ignored her question and grabbed my keys.

"I'm going out, make sure Scarlett eats something please" I said before leaving the house, I got into my car and started driving I ended up at the mall. I climbed out of the car and pulled my hoodie up and walked inside. I went to a few shops buying a few shirts and jackets then went and brought a drink and sat down checking my phone. I had 5 missed calls from Scarlett and 3 from Dallas just as I was about to call Dallas my phone started ringing.

"Hey mads" I said as I answered

"Where are you" she asked

"Oh hey dems" I said sarcastically

"Where are you" she asked again

"Out" I replied

"Obviously" she replied

"I'm at the mall, why?" I asked

"We just got back and Dallas said she heard yelling then you left, is everything alright" she asked you could hear the concern in her voice.

"I'm find Maddie, has Scarlett eaten" I asked

"Have you eaten" Maddie said obviously asking Scarlett, I couldn't hear what the reply was but Maddie will tell me.

"Yeah she has" Maddie said

"Good" I smiled even tho she can't see me, what Scarlett said did hurt but I've gotta get over it she didn't mean it she just said it because she was angry

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