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Okay so I have a few chapters already written but I feel like you would hate them, so I'm going to give you a choice.

I can either keep the chapters I've already written and publish them or I can start all over again with some new ones. That just means you'll have to wait awhile until I've written a few chapters.

So do I keep the chapters I've already written or start new ones?

I've also decided that I'm going to end this at 100 chapters and there will only be a sequel if that's what you want.

Last thing.

I just wanted to thank all of you that are reading this, it honestly makes my day to see that you have taken the time to vote or comment.

If any of you need someone to talk to you can either message me on here or Dm on twitter @belieblovato4

Jess <3

Dreams do come true(A demi lovato fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now