Chapter 67

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"Scar it's Ruby" she said, I looked at her not wanting to believe what she just said

"No, no she's fine I seen her yesterday" I said

"No she's not scar, she was on her way to work and was hit by a semi trailer, impact hit the drivers side so she took most the impact, when paramedics arrived she was barley breathing and was unconscious" Jesy said, I couldn't say or do anything I just stood there, feeling numb feeling like nicks accident all over again.

"She has a serious head injury, broken collarbone, 3 broken ribs, her left arm and leg is broken and she also has internal bleeding and a punctured lung" Jesy explained, but I still couldn't do anything

"She's fighting for her life scar, it's life or death, the doctor said it's not looking good so expect the worst" Justin added which just pissed me off.

"No, she's going to make it, she can't die, she will be fine, now can you's leave" I asked

Jesy went to refuse but Justin and Ryan took her away.

"We are just a phone call away" Justin said as they left, i made my way over to the chairs and sat down tears still streaming down my face.

She doesn't deserve this, sure she's made mistakes but who the hell hasn't, all I was thinking coming to the hospital was that maybe she over dosed like before or even cut too deep like before but this, this is a million times worse.

It's been 3 hours, what the hell is taking so freaking long I got up and started pacing, after half an hour a doctor come out.

"Are you here for Miss Ryan" he asked

"Uh yes" I replied as I made my way over to him.

"Surgery took longer then expected and it's still not looking good, she was on life support but she's now been taken off that and is in a coma, the chances are very slim it's a 20percent that she's going to survive" he explained

"C-can I see her please" I asked not letting the tears fall

"Of course, follow me" he said and began walking away so I followed him

"I'll leave you alone, press the button if you need help" he said before walking away, I walked in and closed the door then made my way over to the bed walking to the right side of her, I grabbed her hand and squeezed it as tight as possible.

"Please wake up" I said as I broke down, I sat in the chair next to her bed for hours just holding onto her hand, I'd probably still be doing the same thing if Jesy hadn't called

S- hello

J- hey scar, how's everything

S- are you actually being serious?, how do you think everything is?, my fucking best friend is in a coma and has a 20 percent chance if surviving

J- I'm sorry scar, I didn't mean it like that, have you told Demi?

S- why would I tell Demi?

J- well she cares about Ruby she deserves to know

S- I'll tell her later

J- okay, now I'm at your place what do you want?

S- clothes, phone charger and my guitar please

J- okay scar, I'll be there as quick as possible

S- thank you Jesy it means a lot

J- no problem, give Demi a call

S- okay

I hung up and looked up to Ruby for some reason I was expecting her to be awake and smiling at me but of course she wasn't, I dialled Demi's number and waited for her to pick up.

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