Determined Love of the Sparrow (Sequel to Sparrow's Love)

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“It is wonderful isn’t it Maria, I’m getting married tomorrow!” Elizabeth squeals and gives me a hug.

“Elizabeth, I can’t breathe” I tell her trying to push her arms off me.

“Oh sorry, I just can’t help it. I’m so excited!” She gushes. I look at her standing in her wedding dress and it brings a tear to my eye. She looks lovely. It reminds me that I am to be married the day after she is, that is why we are both stood in white gowns facing each other. Elizabeth with a happy smile and me with a sad smile as I realise I will never be happy in my marriage as Elizabeth will. I will be the Cutler’s possession as she will be Will’s Wife. There is a huge difference between us. If I say I do then I condemn myself to a life of torture by being married to my rapist but if I don’t then I will be hung, it would also disappoint my father greatly.  Jack had managed to escape and the Commodore was currently out hunting him and the Pearl down. The last we heard there was a hurricane but the commodore didn’t want to waste time so he tried sailing through it. Not a good idea.

“Oh girls you look beautiful” Hannah, my maid, said as she came into my room. She was the closest person to a mother that me and Elizabeth had. She had raised us when Father was away, had comforted us when we had been scolded and scolded us when we had done something wrong. In every way she was our mother.

“We better get these things off, don’t want to ruin them” I said while trying to sit down, it isn’t an easy task while wearing numerous underskirts and a corset.

It takes hours to pack both dresses away and then Elizabeth made me try on my bridesmaid dress. I’m sure she did that just to torture me.

We were making our way down the stairs when a servant boy came running up to me and handed me a note. It isn’t an official letter as it has no stamp.

“Who gave this to you?” I ask.

“He called himself Mr. Gibbs, Miss” He answered while bowing his head slightly. I’m sick of people doing that. I’m not royalty i’m not even blood related to the Governor.

“Thank you” I told him and he ran off. Elizabeth who was standing next to me was obviously eager to see what was it said as she was currently trying to pull my arm out of its socket by pulling me into the closet room which so happened to be the main dining room.

“Open it then, it’s obviously from Jack!” She told me while jumping on the spot. I don’t know how she manages with these stupid dresses we have to wear but she always seems to be able to move freely.

I open the letter to see a rose fall out and onto the floor, it has been pressed. It is obviously from Jack.

Dearest Maria,

                I’m not sure how to write form letters so i’m not going to Try. I have heard that your wedding is tomorrow but don’t worry I won’t let you marry that man. I have been Out and about looking for tReasure but I now have my sighTs set on somethinG big. If you want to i’m sUre you will be Able to find your way to my ship. Savvy?

Love always,

Captain Jack Sparrow 

“What does it mean?” Elizabeth asked me while scanning the page trying to find answers.

“It means that he wants me to come on this quest with him as it will stop me from marrying Becket” I tell her.

“I know that but what does he mean about finding him?”

“He means that if I want to go then my heart will lead me to him, so basically he is telling me that he will make port in Tortuga in the next week or so”

“How do you know that?” She asks obviously not getting it.

“The letters T O R T G U A are all in capitals but if you rearrange them they spell out TORTUGA”

“Oh I see and you know that it will be a week as Gibbs only gave the boy the letter today, Jack has been clever hasn’t he” Elizabeth said with a smile on her face.

“So are you going to come to Tortuga with me?” I ask giving her my best puppy dog look.

“I haven’t been invited and I would only have been married a couple of days and that is no way to start married life” She tells me with a sad look on her face.

“Do you honestly think that the pirates will mind if you have been invited? And you and Will grew closer on the last adventure so it’s a great way to start being married” I tell her with a smile.

“I don’t know Maria, when would you be leaving?”

“After your wedding tomorrow, I can’t give them too much of a head start”

“I’ll speak to Will tomorrow” She tells me with a sigh.

“Oh you are the best sister EVER!” I tell her while giving her a hug. She laughs and hugs me back.

Someone has to watch you don’t get too carried away with the Captain” She tells me with a laugh and then walks out of the room. I look out of the window to see the sun setting. I can see the pearl sailing away in the distance. I will follow you Jack; I will follow you to the ends of the earth.

All of you have read this on the end of Sparrow's love but this is so it continues on to this story without a massive jump and it reminds you of what happend in the last book I suppose :)

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