Mini Ladd x Suicidal! Reader (Thoughts)

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Day 4~


I picked up my phone to see an Unfamiliar Caller Id. I pressed acdept. "Hello?" I asked. " She is Awake." The caller responded. Immedietly, I ended the call, Got my car keys, And drove to the nearby hospital I knew Y/n was at. During the drive, The only thing that I was thinking about is her, Nothing else mattered. Finally I arrived at the hospital. I parked in front of the doors and ran inside the waiting room, "Patient 23. Please." I asked. I tried to stay calm and suceeded. I was very unpatient inside even though is only been about 7 seconds. "Come this way." The nurse orered me and I listened. I was looking everywhere for a familiar face that belonged to Y/n as I was walking right behind the nurse. Finally I saw her. Tears were prickling the edge of my eyes as I wan to her and gave her a huge hug. She didnt even see me at first so she was a little bit suprised, But when she found out t was me she Hugged back. I already was emotional. She was too. "Im ao Happy to see your beautiul face again." I happily cried. Y/n had a huge smile on her face. I havent seen that smile in age's. "Im Happy Too, For once." She giggled.  I put my hand on her forehead to see if she was sick. She rolled her eye's as she gently pushed my hand away. "The only thing I may be sick about is Not being able to talk to you. You know, about my feelings." I could have swore that she had a very light tint of pink painted onto her cheeks. Or maybe its just something the Doctors put on her to... Prevent a heat rash? I dont know. Im most likely hallusinating. "Look, Y/n, I know this isnt the time but, Why?" I asked, I was waiting for an answer I would never think of in a million years, Like.. A crab bit her brother to death. I dont even know if she has a brother."It.. Was you. I dont want to say why." Y/n said with her head down. I frowned. I.. I kind of knew it was going to be me. Its obvious. "I was too clingy. Right?" I asked. Y/n shook her head. What? Im very confuaed right now. "Y/n. Please. You can tell your best friend anything." I smiled. Y/n Looked at me. "Fine. Craig Thompson. I like you. Maybe even. I May even love you.. I commited suicide because I was scared. Scared about how Horrible I am. I know you would not say yes if I asked.." Y/n was starting to shrink into her Hospital bed. She must be so emberrased. I held Y/n's Face in my hands. She looked really scared. So was I. "Y/n.. You are the most Amazing person I have ever met. Im Glad to have you in my life." I smiled. Y/n Wiped a tear away. "Theres one thing I hae to do before I take you bake home." I said. Y/n Tilted her head. Then, I leaned in. Y/n's Ees Widened bit then she closed her eyes as our lips connected with eachother's. The kiss was Filled with passion. Then we separated. Y/n smiled at me. "Lets get you Home." I chuckled as I carried Y/n on my shoulders. Once I set Y/n into the passwner seat she was alreay asleep. She is complocated sometimes, But I like it.

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