Bryce Games. (Savior)

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Your POV

I Walk through the classroom halls trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. Why? Because no matter what happens, I get a form of punishment for just looking at a person. Seems Quite Unfair, But I cant tell the principal cause then everything gets even worse. The only Person I CAN Look at is a guy named Bryce. He seems to be the only person in this school who is actually nice. He even Wave's at me. I Would rarely see someone waving at me, so It made his on my Nice list which only had 2 other people which was my Mom and Dad. My Sister can go fuck herself. (If you don't Have A Sister, Its Your Brother, If you are an only child its your Cousin That lives with you because of his/her parents who went to jail or some shit.) She doesn't care about the black eye I Got last week. All she said was "Nice Makeover". The even worse thing is that she keeps it secret that she is blood related to me. So she is over there with her friends prancing around like everything in the world is all rainbows and kittens and that she spends all her time outside but she actually spends 95% of her life on her god damn phone. "Hey Y/n!" A Cheery voice echoes behind me. I Turn around in shock to see Bryce Smiling at me. Well this is a surprise. "Um.. Hi Bryce." I Awkwardly Respond Looking around me to make sure nobody was going to surprise attack me. Not making that mistake again. "Soo... How was your Day?" Bryce asked in a sweet tone. This is getting highly suspicious. I Was holding the urge to say "Other than all the bullying from the first five fucking minutes of school, I'm Great." But instead I Managed To Say "Good. Got to go." But once I Turned Away Bryce Grabbed My Shoulder and Nervously Yelled "WAIT!". Which made me stop in surprise. I Turned back around to see Bryce Completely red. He put his hands on the side of his hips and apologized. "Sorry, You can go Now..". I Slightly Felt bad for Bryce. Actually No, Bad isn't the right word. Sad. I Feld Sad for Bryce. It seemed as If he was never able to show his emotions. "Never mind. Did you want to tell me something? " Once I Spoke those 8 words I Instantly Regretted it. "Hey! Bryce! Are you seriously talking to this Ugly Retard?!" A Guy Who I'm Pretty Sure named Marcos Exlaimed. Bryce Looked at him in shock. "Um.. No! Its not what it looks like! She's A Retard! And.. A Pretty- I Mean Pretty Ugly Girl!" Bryce Tried To Defend Himself From Marcos. Marcos Glared at me. This is why I Felt Sad. I Knew This Was Going To Happen. Why Didn't I Just Leave?! Marcos Walked Up To Me and Pulled Me To The Ground By My Hair which made be Yelp In Pain. "Fine! Kick Her. Punch Her In The Gut. Hurt Her. Now." Marcos Demanded. Bryce Looked at Me Straight in the eye. He was Scared, I Could Tell. I Closed My Eyes For Impact. and 1. Nothing Happened. I Opened My Eyes To see Bryce Leaping At Marcos. Tackling Him To The Ground. Bryce Punched Him Once In The Nose, Got Up. Grabbed my hand, and Ran. It all occurred to me so fast. I Couldn't even keep track of my thoughts. I Looked at Bryce To See him Sweating. We didn't run for THAT Long so it couldn't be that.. Was He Nervous? Bryce swung me around the corner and looked to see if that dipshit Marcos was still there. I tried to say thanks but nothing was coming out of my mouth. I took a deep breath in and spoke "Thanks, No one has done that for me before.". Bryce Looked at me. He smiled. "Well, Im Nice! No Need to thank me." Bryce cheerfully grinned which made me giggle a small amount. "Your Giggle Is Prett-" Bryce stopped mid-sentence when he realized what he was saying."Um! I meant to say your Giggle is Beauti- No! UM! Unique!?" Bryce was freaking out, he kept stumbling over his words over and over again for some reason which was totally unecesary. I didnt want Bryce to worry about how my giggle was. "Its Fine. Your Smile Is.. Nice." I sighed. Now we were both equal. Bryce was frozen, starig at a green and blue vending machine. He chuckled. "Um, Thanks. Actually, If im being honest. Everything about you is pretty. Like Seriously, You must have TONS of friends!" Bryce looked at me straight in the eye now. I cant belive a human being can be this Nice! But I dont want bryce thinking im.. Normal? Im the one everyone hates and wants to die. "I actually dont have friends. I have a shitty life in general to be honest." I awkwardly giggled. I thought that would be funny, but it was actually pretty depressing to hear it out loud.. Bryce frowned. But within 5 seconds his cheerfuk smile came back. "Ill Be Your Friend! I mean.. If you want." Bryce Chuckled. Shit! No wonder I cant have friends! "Nonono! Bryce! Did you just see what happened about 2 minutes ago?! Thats whats going to happen! I dont want to hurt you!" I begged bryce to stay as far away from me as possible, but he kept refusing. Did he understand the words coming out of my fucking mouth?! "I dont care about the dicks who try to hurt me Y/n! I like you! You are like, The coolest person I Know! I want to be your friend! Please?" Bryce gave me his annoying, yet mostly adorable puppy eyes that I couldnt resist. "Finee." I groaned. "Yay! Thanks Y/n! You're Awesome!" Bryce Cheered. But I wasnt really Happy. I kept thinking about everything that might occur to bryce. I made a big mistake.. This isnt good.

-After School-

I walked out of the school gates with an even worse black eye than before. Those bitches just want it to stay forever apparently. I look around for bryce. I know I said beig friends with him is bad, but I love talking to him. I look around everywhere until i finally found him behind a tree, with a Douche named Nathan Yelling at him. God damn it. I run to Bryce to see whats going on. "Why Look at This! Bryce's Best Friend Is Here!" Alex Laughed. I felt weak and insecure.. Bryce looked at me with a pure face of fear. "Please.. Let Bryce Go." I stop myself from Running away. Bryce needs me. "Hmm, How about no. Unless you want to get hurt instead of Bryce?" Nathan Laughs. Seriously. "Fine!" I sigh. Nathan Laughs. "Fucking Pussy Boy. Not going to protest Are Ya?" Nathan spits on Brycs and pushes him away. I look to see Bryce Shakily getting up. His left arm has a knife cut and is bleedig severly. This is all my fault.

-The Next Day-

Im still Sore after getting beat up by Nathan. Just my luck. I arrive at school with a plan for Bryce and I. I hate it so much, But It cant go on any Longer. Bryce comes running to me, Talking about his day like nothing happened. "Listen Bryce." I Hold back the tears and try to calm down. Bryce humms, signaling me to continue. "We cant be friends anymore. You and I get hurt. Badly. His cant go on anymore." I start to cry small tears. I dont want to leave bryce. But I dont want him to die before the school year ends. "But.. But. I Can take it!" Bryce tries to come up with reasons that we can still be friends but I know he cant come up with anything. "Tell me one Good reason That we should still hang out with eachother. Then ill reconsider." I Stop crying. I realize that this isnt about me. Its never about me, Its abot bryce. Bryce stutters on his own words and looks at memwith red puffy eyes. "Because I Love You." He talks with full confidence in his voice. He doesnt give me a chance to respond as He Kisses Me. Millions of thoughts were spiraling in my mind. But I couldnt care less. I reluctantly kiss back. Bryce seperates from me and smiles. "Is that a good enougn reason?" He chuckles. I giggle. "I Guess So."

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