t w e l v e

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It had been a little over a month since the accident, and everything was finally getting back to normal. Jensen stopped treating Kasey like she could break at any second, which was relieving to her. 

Kasey's mom had stayed in town for a week or so just to make sure that she was going to be okay. Honestly, she wasn't used to the attention and special care, so everything was overwhelming to her. 

She was thankful that they were now a few hours away at a week long convention.

"I bet no one would miss us if we stayed up here just a little while longer," Jensen joked once Kasey walked out of the bathroom. She was wearing a black lace top with a black leather skirt that stopped at the top of her thighs.

"Jensen," She said as she gave him a glare.

"You are stunning," He added as he watched her every move, admiring her.

"Well, thank you," She said as she stood on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek. "We need to be heading downstairs."

"Yes ma'am," He said as he grabbed his phone and key card before holding the door open for her. She gladly walked through it as they made their way towards the elevator.

Stepping inside, it was only Kasey, Jensen, and one other man inside the elevator

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Stepping inside, it was only Kasey, Jensen, and one other man inside the elevator. Kasey gave a friendly smile as they entered the elevator and she pressed the lobby floor button.

"I'd never let my girl leave looking like that, bro," The man spoke as the doors closed.

"Excuse me?" Jensen asked, turning to face the man.

"I mean, don't you think she looks kinda slutty?" He asked, no remorse showing on his face.

Kasey stood there speechless as the elevator beeped for each floor it passed.

"Don't you dare talk about or even look in her direction ever again," Jensen said as he stepped closer to the man. "Do you understand?"

Kasey grabbed Jensen by the arm to hold him back, but she knew she didn't stand a chance if the man tempted him.

Before the man could reply, the doors of the elevator opened and Kasey pulled at Jensen's arm to get him to exit. Jensen stood and stared down at the man for a few more seconds before finally turning and leaving the elevator.

"I'm sorry," Kasey apologized as they stepped into the hall and walked to the backstage room.

"Sorry for what?" Jensen asked genuinely.

"I didn't realize I looked-" She tried.

"You look amazing," Jensen complimented again. "That man was a pig,"

"I just didn't mean to put you in a situation like that," She continued.

"Honey," He said as they stepped backstage. "I will always take up for you,"

Kasey found herself standing on her tiptoes again, this time kissing his lips. "I love you,"

"I love you too," He smiled as she settled back on her feet. 

"Hey guys," A familiar voice said as Jensen received a pat on the shoulder. "Have a good morning?"

They both turned to see a cheery Jared standing with a cup of coffee in his hand already. "Not exactly," Jensen grumbled lowly before he walked over to fix his coffee too. 

"What's that about?" Jared asked Kasey and he motioned towards Jensen. 

"Long story," Kasey chucked to assure him it wasn't anything too serious. 

"You guys will be going on stage soon," Kasey said as she looked at her watch. "I'm going to go get my seat,"

"You're not going out with us?" Jensen asked. 

"Not this time," She smiled as she slipped out of the door and made her way inside the empty room. She chose a seat front and center and watched as Cliff opened the doors to allow fans to enter. As usual, it didn't take long for people to claim their seats and for the large room to be full of people. 

The band started playing music lowly as Jensen, Jared, Misha, and Mark all walked out on stage. Jared held up a hand to block the lights as he waved to all the adoring and cheering fans. Jensen looked around and pointed to Kasey once he found her in the crowd. She smiled as he blew a kiss to her. She pretended to grab it out of the air and place it over her heart as all the boys settled in their chairs. 

Kasey sat and watched the show, reminiscing on the last few months of her life. Everything had changed so quickly, but she didn't regret a minute of it. Jensen was so loving and protective. She couldn't help but fall deeper and deeper in love with him as each day passed. 

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