Chapter 4: Natsu vs Zancrow and Lucy vs Leah

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Natsu P.O.V

I walked to where I was about 10yds away from him and I spoke. "How are you alive right now, Juvia said you died when you tried to kidnap Zerref back on Tenrou Island?" I asked my voiced hinted with annoyance. "Well that is simple you little prick. Master Zerref combined his powers with Master Jose' and the result was my life. So now I'm ba-". “Roar of the Fire Dragon!!!!" He was blown away by my attack and I just laughed.

"Hahaha you suck. Really think i care about how you're back." "Don't you dare mock me Dragneel! I will kill you. Bellow of the Flame God".  Jumping up I dodged his attack just in time but, “Nice try Dragneel but not nice enough Flame Gods Scythe." "Damn it! AAAAGGGHHH” His attack hit me and blew me into the wall. 

"You embarrassed me back then, but I swear to god I will kill you and after you I’ll go after that pretty little blonde you're so fond of. HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!?" That pissed me off."YOU WILL NOT LAY A FINGER ON LUCY!." "Oh so the big boobed bitches name is Lucy. It'll be all the more sweet when i kill her." “YOU SON OF A BITCH" I lit my fist on fire "You won't lay a finger on her Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon" He was blasted into the ground and I kept punching him till he stopped moving. I stopped and got up got up "You've gotten better at fighting Zancrow, but you still won't beat me." "You sure about that Dragneel." a smile appeared on his bloody face. He stood up and started chanting a spell I didn't recognize.

I call upon the spirits of the flame, hear my cry and bless me with your power. Hear my words hear my cry send your powers across the skies. Defeat my enemy in front of me so says the God of Flames Kagutsuchi". Small black flames appeared from out of nowhere and begun to surround me "What the hell is going on? Zancrow what are you doing?” He looked up and smiled at me. "Activate Forbidden Spell of the Element User: Fire Spirit Annihilation"

" Nastu get out of there now” I looked away from Zancrow and look for the origin of the voice, but didnt find it. "It’s me Lucy and I'm using Jesse's telepathy. You have to get your ass out of there.  He is calling on the spirits of fire to attack you I've read about them before and if it they hit you they will kill you. Now MOVE!!!!" Rolling my eyes i jumped into the air and over the circle of flames just as they all rushed into the middle. "Nice try Dragneel but the spirits follow their target till they kill him". Fuck I'm screwed. The flames rushed into the air and toward me. "Dragon Slayers Secret Art: Fire Dragon’s Fist”, but my attack went through the fire spirits and they continued to attack me. My attack didn't work??!! They rushed me and i fell to the ground

As soon as they touched my skin they burned me. It felt as if i was dropped in to an exploding volcano. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" my scream echoed throughout the room. "NASTU” everyone thought at once. "Hurts don't it? These spirits don't control just any fire they control Hell Fire. It can burn anything and anyone even you Dragneel. HEHEHEHEHEHE."

Lucy vs. Leah

  Lucy P.O.V.

 I stood in front of the orange haired girl and waited for and attack but none came I gave her a questioning look. "Well if we are going to fight don't you think it'll be more proper if we introduce ourselves? I'm Leah Nakamora, but to those who fear me I'm known as the Queen of the Gods and I already know who you are Lucy Heartfilia." "How do you know who I am? I asked surprised. "Well you were the most powerful Celestial Wizard of your time. I look up to you back then but now I've come to the top and I'm about to show you what i mean.

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