Chapter 2

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I drifted through the darkness with no thought or emotion. It was completely black I felt no hope until I heard a voice. "Jesse, sweetheart wake up please!". I slowly opened my eyes and saw my mom I tried to get up when an emince amount of pain shot through my body. "Ahh" I groaned in agony. "Jesse please don't move the pain will only get worse if you try." said my mother. Ignoring my mothers warning I sat up and leaned back against the wall. "What happened to me? Where are we?" I asked my voice shakey panic. "You were beat up pretty badly crossing dimensions and for where we are? It's a world that sadly you're familiar with."

I got up again this time slowly using the wall as support. I look straight into her eyes and asked "Where are we?" Hesitating she answered "We are in Earthland." I just stared at her blankly not showing any emotion. Then suddenly I screamed "WHAT!!!! This isn't happening. i'm not in Earthland this is just a dream. Come on Jesse wake up." I slapped myself trying to wake up, but it wasn't working. I fell to the ground and put my head in my hands."WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" "Honey please be quiet if they know you're awake they will come and get you."

I just stared at her giving her the craziest look. "Why are we here? What do they want with us?" "The real question is what do they want with you?" "What do you mean?" "I overheard a few of the guild members talking. They were hired by an outside source to capture you." "Why would anyone want to capture me? I'm not special I can't even do magic. "That's were your wrong. The truth is that you can use magic, Dragon Slaying Magic. You are The Water Dragon Slayer." ", but how I never learned......." "I taught you."

"What? What do you mean you taught me? Only dragons can teach Dragon Slaying Magic and you're human, ........right?" "I'm sorry, but the truth is I am the Water Dragon known as Hamako, but I went by the name Hama growing up." " NO you are not a dragon, If you were you'd be able to bust out this cell and free us?" "It's not that simple, I lost my dragon form when you're father, my mate, left to the dragon realm in my place." "Wait what dad isn't dead?" "No". I was speechless my entire life was a lie. My mom was a dragon and my father was alive just not in the world or dimension I mean. "Wait, why did he leave for the dragon realm and not you?" Tears were streaming down her face as she answered "Because he thought you would need your mother more than your father." 

I could tell that there was something she was not telling me but I chose not to push it. "So dad is alive, I can do, magic, and an unknown force wants me captured for an unknown reason. Did I miss anything mother?" My voice dripping with anger "No sweetie I think that's everything." she said wiping tears from her face. "Why can't I use magic to free us?" "Because I locked it away when your father left in my place and even if you had your magic you couldn't it's a magic proof cell." "I have one more question, did dad take my memories?" She hesitated before she answered. "Yes he did but it was for your own protection. He took all your memories of magic away" I was about to yell at her when we heard footsteps coming down the hallway. My eyes widened in fear as we saw Master Jose open our cell.

"Finally you're awake." he said with a creepy smile on his face. I pushed my mom behind me as he walked into the cell/ "Who hired you to capture me and why is my mom here? She has nothing to do with this!!" Smirking he awnsered "Well aren't you just full of questions. Now you're mother is here for insurance that you do what you're told and for who hired us that you will find out soon enough." I was about to tell him to screw himself to hell when Conner came saying "Master our employer is here." "Perfect, take them both to him"

Conner grabbed us by our  magic proof handcuffs that he had just put on us and walked us down a hallway. WhiIe we were walking l assessed my surroundings. We were in some type of palace. The walls were black marble with purple banners hanging on the walls that had the Phantom Lord Mark on them. When we walked past the gathering area I got a chill go up my spine. The energy was dark and made me freak out when suddenly I heard a voice in my head. "Jesse are you okay?" It was moms' voice in my head. I looked at her shocked and she just nodded. I thought back "How are you doing this" "Its one of my powers, one of yours too, but that's not the point. Are you okay?" "Yea I'm fine". "Good just be prepared for anything" "Right."

That's when we finally arrived in the throne room a man in a black cloak was sitting on a throne in the middle of the room waiting for us. Then instantly the air changed. It turned shallow and it became hard to breathe. I realized why when the man put his hood down it was Zerref. "No!" I whispered in panic.

"Hahaha well it is nice to finally meet you young Jesse. It's also nice to see you again Hamako." My mother growled "Jesse whatever happens I need you to know that I love you" "Mom what......" "When this is over I need you to get out a telepathic message to Makarov. Tell him who you are and he will come and save you" She walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "Remember this when you are in danger call on your sign."

 My mom slammed her hands on the guards face and the handcuffs broke. She lifted her arms in the air and all of a sudden water appeared out of nowhere then she chanted "Water Dragons:Water Nebula". A whirlpool of water shot at the guards holding me. When they were down for the count I ran behind my mom. She then turned to Zerref and chanted "Water Dragons Roar". A funnel of water shot at him. He just laughed and put his hand out and the water disappeared. "Grab the boy, I'll deal with the dragon" Conner grabbed me from behind and started to carry me away

"MOM. HELP ME" "Let my son go now or you will regret it" She lifted her arms when Zerref spoke "Wait I want him to see this." Conner turned me around and put me in a headlock. "Say goodbye to your mother little boy". My eyes widened "NO PLEASE DON'T...." but I didn't get to finish in the blink of an eye Zerref sent a black beam of magic at my mom.

"MOM!!"I screamed at the top of my lungs. As her body fell to the ground, I wrestled myself out of Connors hold and ran to her body. She was crying when I put her head in my lap. Tears streamed down my face "Please don't go. Please don't leave. You're all I have left."I begged "Don't forget what I told you. You're never alone. I love you" I watched as the life left her sapphire blue eyes.

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