Chapter 8: Farewell

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As Sanders and Bruce healed their team on Professor Birch's Pokèmon healing machine. They proceeded to a table with three pokèballs.

"Children, I have faith that you will make wonderful discoveries and brilliant findings and i have made my decision on your Starter Pokèmon that fits your personality." Said Professor Birch in an inspiring way as he handed Pokèballs to them.

"Now go, whoever completes their Pokèdex first shall get a reward from yours truly"

As the three went out the lab. Bruce scoffed and left them. While Betty stayed with Sanders.

"How can you stand that guy, Sanders." Betty looked at Bruce hatefully.

"I don't blame him. His background is very...tragic"

"Ah. I see..."

Both of them headed back to the Inn and headed back to pack their things.

5 Minutes later...(Time-12:34)

Both of them head outside their rooms to the long corridor and faced each other.

"Before we go our seperate ways again, Wanna eat together one last time until next time?" Betty suggested with a smile.

"Sure pal, that sounds great." Replied Sanders.

Both of them headed to the receptionist and paid for their stay and headed for the Diner, As they went inside and sat down at a table, they chatted for a while.

"So...Betty...Where are you heading now?"

"I don't know...maybe i'll catch more Pokèmon for Professor Birch.."

"Hmm...I'm heading to Rustboro city to challenge the gym and keep going until i get to the league and beat Brendan." Confidently said Sanders.

"Did i ask?" Betty teased.

'Hmph' Sanders huffed in dissapointment.

Moments later...Their order arrived.

"Here you are young man and girl! Enjoy your date!" Teased the waitress while walking away.

Sanders looked at each and their faces turned red and protested in unison "WE'RE NOT DATING!"

"Like I would ever date a kid like him!"

"Yeah right! Keep dreaming, a brat like you couldn't meet my Standards."

After they fought, they ate silently and was quiet, until Sanders broke Silence.

"I wonder what kind of Pokèmon we got from Professor Birch..."

'Shrug' why don't we find out?" Said Betty as she was taking out her Pokèball that contained the Pokèmon that Professor Birch gave her.

As Sanders nodded and did the same. They both released a shimmer of light that soon materialized into a Sky blue frog with appears to be some kind of Wool as a scarf and in some places and Sanders. had a small Vixen that exhaled Embers of flame from time time with light yellow fur.

"Oh! I know these pokèmon! I saw them on a documentary on TV once. This one i have is a Froakie! You have a Fennekin!" Explained Betty.

"Oh. I see."

While they were talking, Froakie and Fennekin started chatting and doing some friendly gestures.

"Oh look! Fennekin and Froakie are socializing." Betty said quite amazed.

"They must be friends before Professor gave them to us."

"I guess we can relate." Betty said while nudging Sanders' Shoulder.

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