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We land on the floor of our house, breathing sighs of relief. Scarlett stares at us, as if she's expecting us to say something. What are we supposed to say? She unwraps her tail from Pat's wrist, standing up. "I don't know about you guys but I'm really hungry." Scarlett smiles, it seems like the first real one I've seen. "I can cook for you since you kind of saved me. In multiple ways."

I shake my head, "It's fine. I'm just glad you're okay, and that you were right there... Besides, I'm craving pizza."

Pat just shrugs, looking at Scarlett for and answer. Her face lights up eagerly, "Oh my, I haven't had pizza since I was... I don't even know how long! Yes please!" Giggling a little, I pick up the phone to call.


"So, you're sure." I question Scarlett skeptically.

She laughs, "Yep! Back when I knew him, Pat owned and took care of a garden."

"So that explains why you love the castle gardens so much!" I giggle, elbowing Pat lightly while taking a bit of the food. "I never thought you'd enjoy something like that."

He rolls his eyes, "Guess I took a few things from my dad."

"Not the only thing you took after. Don't you practically have the same weapon. You just have two." Scarlett points out.

"Actually there is a pretty big difference in strategy if you have two swords and not one. First of all you have to multitask and coordinate your attacks correctly without losing balance, at the same time. Second-"

"Fighting nerd alert!" I laugh at Scarlett's joke, though Pat doesn't seem that amused.

"Says the one who literally reads and studies so much on potions and spells that she gets bored and makes her own." He retorts.

"I... walked into that one." She does a clap and a half, "Well played Nightlight. Well played."

I raise an eyebrow, "Nightlight? Really?"

"What, you think you can do better?" She snaps.

"Sure I can." A smirk starts to appear on both of out faces.

Pat shakes his head, "Can we not do this?" He mutters.

I jokingly knock on his helmet like a door, "Leadhead" All he does is glare. "Uhh, Cat_lover12345."

"PFFTT!" Scarlett nearly falls over, "Is that last one his username?"

I shrug, "Should be." He audibly groans, putting one hand on the ridge of his nose.

"I got one!" She shouts, "Lightning bug, how about Firefly! Or, he's what happens when you take a kid who spent to much time in the dark, and give him emo eye contacts to make his dream of being an edgelord come true."

"Wait, what even was that last one? His origins?" Scarlett makes a dumb I dunno face that just makes me laugh harder.

Pat crosses his arms, turning away from is, "I hate all of you."

She just responds with baby talk, "Dawwwww. Is da pouty whittle knight all grumpy wumpy?"

Pat suddenly pretends to be super dramatic, "Oh my Gawd, I don't think I can take this anymore! I. Feel. So. Betrayed!" He ends the last word leaning on me, his elbow on my head like an armrest.

"Alright, alright!" I try with no prevail to get him off me, "I'll stop just get off! You're heavy!"

He leans on me even more, "Yeah, yeah, relax Jenny."

I glare at him, "What did you just call me?" Scarlett "OO's" in the background as I shove him. "Only Pop-Pop gets to call me that."

Pat leans on my head again, "Annnd? What are you gonna do?"

I slide away just enough for him to lose balance, causing him to fall over on the ground. "That." All three of us burst out laughing. We really needed this. After almost dying, figuring out old secrets, being chased and rejected, we all needed a break.

I was simply smiling to myself when I notice something. Scarlett's left horn has a small crack. She didn't get any injuries from the Manticore, where did that come from? My curiosity gets the better of me. "Where did you get hurt like that?" I ask, pointing to her horn. "Do you need some ice or a bandage?"

She falls deathly silent, staring at me blankly. Her hand slowly goes up to the wound, covering it. "I, um," She looks away, muttering some other language to herself.

"Scarlett?" Pat's tone is concerned, "Are you alright?"

She shakes her head, flashing us a smile. "I'm fine. I just accidentally flew into a tree because my sight was blurry. Yes, I would like some ice. My whole side hurts."

I raise an eyebrow, "Alright. Just be careful while flying."

"Y-Yeah." She looks away. "Just assuming for a second here, that I'm not exactly going to live with you guys forever. So, what are we going to do?"

"Well," I glance at Pat, smiling, "I have a little something planned for later."

"Hm? Well tell me!"

"Nope." I shake my head, grabbing an ice packet from the freezer. "It's our turn to keep a secret."

Scarlett crosses her arms, "What are you planning? At least give me a hint."

"Well, let's just say, I have connections." I say with a wink.

She looks at Pat, "Should I be scared?"

He smiles slyly, "If you hate awesome things, then maybe."

Scarlett takes the ice from me, putting on her head and sitting down with a sigh. "Shoot. Guess I will have to wait."

A/N: Yes, this is mostly a joke chapter, we/I/you needed something after all that dark stuff.
Ugh, I hate school. Break is ending for me tomorrow so I have to go and I hate my stupid allergies. UGGGGHHBHHHSBSJSMS
(ThatOneBookworm2005 for the Clap and a half idea) XD

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