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I sit there, still shaking but not a violently. What just happened? Turning to Pat, I see he's just as stunned. What Ruby said really hit hard.

"I thought you two, of all people, would give me a chance and understand, but no!" Her words echo through my mind.

Pat's eyes darken, flashing many different colors. I shakily stand up, "What did Ruby mean, about you recognizing her?"

He clenches his fists and speaks through gritted teeth. "Her name isn't Ruby, it's Scarlett."

"What? How do yo-?"

"That's not important." He cuts me off. "Right now we need to find her, and fast."

"Why?" I shout, "Who is Scarlett? What's going on? I thought you were done keeping these types of secrets from me!"

"ENOUGH!" Pat yells, causing me to fall silent. He hasn't yelled that loud in a long time. "We can talk about this later, but Scarlett risked everything taking that charm off! Now she feels hated and we need to find her before something bad happens!" Before I can reply, he whispers, with a voice less angry and more quiet and sorrowful "Please."

Suddenly, what seems to be a roar erupts from outside, followed by several dog barks, nearly shakes the house. We get outside as fast as possible and are definitely surprised by the scene in front of us.

A neighbor we have just tackled Scarlett to the ground, pinning her shoulders. "Jacob!" I yell his name, and his sharp gaze flashes towards me.

Jacob is a werewolf, he has brown hair, ears, and tail. All of this paired with light green eyes. We kinda know each other, considering he's one of the few people who doesn't immediately judge Pat. He judges off of actions. He's married with two kids. Speaking of the kids, one of them is sitting on the ground with one hand on her head, groaning.

During Jacob's hesitation, Scarlett, kicks him in the gut, sending him off in a flash. Immediately getting up, he bites Scarlett's wing, and twists it. He then flings her to the ground. Scarlett surprisingly decides to stay down. "I don't want to fight you. Just let me leave." She growls quietly.

Jacob takes a step forward, tail lashing in anger, "Then you shouldn't have hurt my kid, Demon."

Scarlett grits her teeth, "I didn't mean to." She insists.

"How was that an accident!" Jacob snaps, about to attack again.

There's a blue flash, and the next thing I see is Pat grabbing Jacob's tail, whipping him around. "Leave. Her. Alone." Pat growls in a low threatening tone. Even I'm surprised by this. We're not exactly the most confrontational people.

Jacob slaps his hand away, "How do you expect me to react, imagine if that demon hurt your future wife. By the way, why are you defending her?"

Pat's expression darkens, "That doesn't matter. That isn't happening nor will happen. This doesn't concern you. Help your kid and leave Scarlett be."

Jacob's tail bristles, he snarls in anger before walking away. He knows he can't beat Pat in a real fight.

I take a moment to look around, seeing a small crowd had formed and was watching and whispering. Everyone else had either ran inside, was recording, or calling someone. Finally, it all starts to sink in. Nervousness and anxiety starts to appear on Pat's face. He backs away slowly as the whispers start to become clear.

"What was that about?"
"Scarlett? Was that her name?"
"The demon has a normal name?"
"What's wrong with them?"
"This is why I told you to stay away."

I continue to look around, seeing that Scarlett is gone, long gone. I quickly walked up next to Pat, grabbing his hand. He turns to me curiously as I remain silent. Subtly pointing to the forest, the only place Scarlett could go that fast. He nods, and we walk as quickly as possible away from the crowd, without drawing more suspicion.

Once out of sight, we breathe a sigh of relief. "Thanks for getting me out of there." Pat whispers gratefully.

"Of course." I say with a slight nod, then smile, "Now come on! We have to find Ru- err Scarlett. Still have to get used to that." He looks at me with a surprised expression, especially since I'm suddenly on board with this. "What? I want answers too! And I want to say sorry..."

"Well, let's go!" Pat says with enthusiasm. I look at the forest, it's tall oak trees looming over me with the sun just now starting to set. Painting the sky of warm orange color, with more yellow looking down and purples mixed with a deep blue looking back up. The sky is pretty light considering the time, but looking in the forest makes it seem like endless darkness. The type of Darkness that call you in a nightmare, and beckons you to do things that put yourself in dangerous situations. The forest that we live by because you can cross during the daytime safely to visit Esoria. However, at night, it holds creatures that could kill you easily. From the Chimera, to a  Cockatrice, witch can turn you to stone just by looking in it's eyes. Despite these thoughts, witch Pat is probably going through as well, I swallow my fear for a friend.

"Y-Yeah. Let's go."

A/N: My hand hurts. q-q
XD help meeee
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