Everything has changed - LotR

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Hey everybody!

Before the story begins, I need to say a few things. First, though I created some of the characters and parts of the storyline, the rest is property of J.R.R. Tolkien. Let me check if I'm J.R.R. Tolkien. ..... No, I'm not. That's it. Second, I'm not a native English Speaker, so if there are any mistakes, please tell me. And third, I don't really have a third, but I felt like I should say "And third".

That's it... BYE!

Nenyae (she's not named like me, I'm named like her xD)


NAME: Nenya (Nen)

GENERAL FACTS: long curly black hair, grey eyes, doesn't really know what she is, but probably half-elf

LIKES: swords, knifes, weapons and fighting in generally, doing weird things, singing

DISLIKES: pink, dresses, things she cnsideres as girly in general, people who say she should be a nice little girl

NAME: Lannae (Lana)

GENERAL FACTS: long straight blonde hair, blue eyes, elf

LIKES: talking to people, reading

DISLIKES: nothing special...

NAME: Mirith (Mi)

GENERAL FACTS: medium-length straight brown hair, hazel eyes, half-elf

LIKES: gardening, helping people

DISLIKES: gross things

NAME: Jaswen (Jas)

GENERAL FACTS: shoulder-length ginger hair, green eyes, half-elf

LIKES: horseback riding, running around

DISLIKES: dark places, caves

Everything has changed - LotRWhere stories live. Discover now