After the end of all

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The devil was wearing a black fancy suit what a show of thought Joshua, he was siting on the bar drinking whiskey. "Interesting place you choose for us to meet in" said Joshua as he skipped over a sticky  stain on he's way to satan.
"Well you have your holly churches, i have my stinking bars" he said pointing at the chair next to him "make yourself welcome".
"I think i'll get std just from siting on it" said Joshua looking disgusted from simply being in that disease full place. "Their definitely are some nicer bars around here".
"Yeah but they don't have a basement of a satanic cult under them" said satan amused by the look on Jesus's face such a spoiled little fool, thought, how in hell his he gonna clean up all the mess Jehovah left.
"And what do you need such a basement for?" Asked Joshua suspiciously he smelled something was stinky, or maybe was it just the overall stank of the place either way he was kipping his eyes wide open.
"I made it into my office, you know you're not the only one who as been over whelmed with work since dad's little meltdown" satan started n of his chair as he talked walking towards the side door in the back of the bar. "It was a devine tiffany not a meltdown" Joshua said the word with such contempt as if it was a curse. "Whatever, now will you step into my office" said satan with a childish grin opening the mystery door widely. Joshua stepped in to the narrow alway it led to regretting every step he took.

The alway was even darker and dirtier then the bar, and the room it led to was breaking all records. Spills of Mysterious liquids covered the floor, old posters, clothes and body parts were hanged on every wall, and the room was full of what hopefully was fainted people. But the true winner, thought Joshua, was the large beast laying dead in the middle of the room with it's inside out Infested with maggots. Joshua covered his mouth trying not to puke.
"Would you like a drink?" Asked satan pointing at the young boy who appeared behind Joshua with a tray full of questionable drinks. "Just water pleas" said Joshua. "Buzzkill"spited at him a drunk girl who laid half dead on the floor, her dark blond hair spread around her head like a vomit filled hora, even though all the filth she still seemed majestic, her beauty shined thru the darkness. Maybe thats what got her in here, Joshua thought to himself.
"Go get my guest some water, murk" satan said and the boy was on his way, sending just one lest disgusted look at Jesus. He mustn't be any older then seventeen, assumed Joshua, he had a colar to his neck and red scars covering his back, his red hair was dirty and messy he looked like he haven't showered in week. Joshua's heart ached for that little boy wondering what could of gotten them to here, and then satan coughed trying to steal back Joshua's attention, reminding him what got that boy in here, the very buster siting in front of him.
"What do you won't satan, get to the point already" Jesus raised his voice.
"Wow, someone's a quick angry" satan laughed pissing people of was one of his favorite things to do and Jesus was always so easy.
"I cold you here to let you know i'm not gonna keep quiet about the all the lies your churches been telling all those years anymore, all that bullshit about one omnipotent god and a horrible burning hell i'm done with that shit, i know you still can't open your fucking eyes and see the truth, but if you ever do get your head out of your ass i meant what i said earlier everyone's welcome round here including you, don't let dad scare you, you can be more then just his servant" satan said he even sounded a little compassionate at the end, which only made Joshua angrier. "Whatever, we don't need you anyway, and it ain't no bullshit" Joshua tried to defend his believes "if thats all i'll be on my way" he said and rushed out not waiting for an answer, can't wait to get out of that shit hole. As he claimed the stairs he bumped into murk the boy from earlier, "watch your steps idiot" he burked "oh it's you, here your fucking water" he said handing him a glass of brownish liquid. Joshua grabbed the glass not intending to drink it but filling to guilty to refuse. Murk's was stone cold sending shivers down Joshua's hand as their fingers touched, he looked in to his they were black and dead no emotions or expression passing thru them just dark pupils not even showing pain. "Take the darn drink already you faggot" murk spitted at him. Joshua took the glass and continued rushing out of that hell hole. Joshua took a dip breath of fresh air as he stepped outside of the deaf-stank of that shady bar. Sadly all that was waiting for him outside was shady neighborhood.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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