2. "you're a... model"

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                                         → "AJ, wow," Connor nodded his head smiling, "I really like that name

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                                         → "AJ, wow," Connor nodded his head smiling, "I really like that name."

AJ scoffed slightly, "thanks."

This earned Connor to furrow his eyebrows together, offering her a look of confusion. "What? I do."

The girl squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, cracking her knuckles out of nervous habit. "I- I didn't mean it like that. It's just- I- family things."

Connor's eyes softened as his lips turned upward into a sympathetic smile. "I'm here you know, you can talk to me if you'd like."

AJ turned her head to meet his warm gaze, biting her lip slightly she shook her head. "Oh I appreciate that, I really do, but I- I wouldn't want to burden you."

Connor squinted is eyes slightly, gesturing around to the everyone on the plane. "I got time. I can't go anywhere." He smirked slightly, "burden me."

AJ casted a quick glance out the window before letting out a log sigh, turning to face Connor once again. "I was adopted. I was in foster care from the moment I was born until I was five. My birth parents just left me in the hospital. They picked out my name, though. AJ." She looked around the plane for a moment before meeting the boys eyes again. "I've never said this to anyone, but I have a feeling the reason they left me was because I was a girl. They probably wanted a boy and when they didn't get it, they decided they didn't want a kid."

Connor looked slightly uncomfortable, but nonetheless looked intrigued and wanting to help. "I'm sure thats not the reason... maybe they just weren't ready."

AJ gave him a look, "but a year later they have a boy and are as happy as can be? Yeah, I did my homework." Connor fiddled with his finger uneasily not knowing what to say, AJ immediately felt bad for expecting this stranger to listen to her problems. Trying to lighten the mood, she chuckled. "Plus, who the hell names their baby girl, AJ?"

Connor met her gaze again, smiling slightly. "I like it, I really do."

AJ smiled softly at the boy, "anyways, everything worked out good, I guess. I love my parents, they're truly the best."

"I'm glad to hear that," Connor smiled. "So do you live in Edmonton? Or do you have a connecting flight to somewhere?" He asked, clearly wanting to shift the subject to something happier.

"I live in Edmonton. I moved there from Chicago two years ago." AJ replied, wanting to ask Connor the same question, however he beat her to it.

"Oh, are you in University? Is that why you moved?"

AJ pondered the question for a moment before starting reluctantly. "Originally, yes. I took a few classes the first year, but this past year I've decided to just take a break from everything and travel as much as possible. I have no idea what the hell I want to do," she chuckled slightly at the last part.

Connor nodded, "I understand. Do you have anything in mind?"

This question brought a grin to the girls face. "I've always thought about becoming a doctor, or maybe even a surgeon." Her smile faltered, "but I think it's too late now. I should've been in Med school three years ago."

"Hey, I think you should go for it. You're still young, take this year and then jump right into Med school next year. It's never too late." Connor nodded encouragingly at the young girl, who had a look of doubt on her face.

"Maybe, yeah. I don't know, I still have so many other options, thats why I'm just taking this year to myself." The two fell into a moment of silence, so AJ took this as a chance to finally ask Connor some questions. "So I'm assuming you live in Edmonton?"

Connor nodded, "Yup. I grew up in Ontario, though."

"Did you move there to go to school?" AJ asked, an excited grin plastered her face at the possibility of the boy going to the same school as her.

Sadly, Connor shook his head nervously, "no, I- I play hockey."

AJ tilted her head, squinting her eyes and chewing her lip. There was no denying the fact that he looked familiar, like she's seen the boy not necessarily in person, but somewhere else. "You're also a... model?" She questioned, thinking she'd seen him on a billboard. The question caused Connor to look down at himself before shaking his head with a goofy grin on his face. "No! You're- you're, a hockey player! Connor... McDavid!" The girl exclaimed, causing Connor's eyes to widen as he glanced frantically around the plane.

Realizing she announced that very loudly, AJ looked around nervously, "whoops. I said that too loud." Her voice was barely audible, "I mean, you're Connor McDavid!"

Connor glanced at the ground sadly, upset that their genuine conversation was most likely over. "Yeah..." he trailed off.

The girl noticed his change in mood and immediately realized what he might think. "Oh! I- I'm not like that Connor... I don't even watch sports, let alone hockey. It's just, we live in Edmonton. I see your face everywhere I go."

Connor looked at the girl beside him doubtfully. Her hazel coloured eyes were warm and genuine. He didn't know whether to believe the girl or not.

After staring her down for a few more seconds, he decided to give in. It wasn't like they were going to see each other again. "I'm sorry-"

AJ shook her head violently, "no, please don't apologize. I know it must be... scary, knowing people might just use you for your fame. I understand."

Connor nodded his head in agreement, "yeah, that's happened to me before. I met this guy at a bar one time," he chuckled as he said it out loud, knowing how it must sound. "We talked for almost the whole night, not about hockey but about normal things. A football game was on and we just started talking about that which led to a long debate. We started hanging out more, we went to a lot of football games together. It was great, having someone who isn't a hockey player, who isn't on the same team as you. But then I found out those are your real friends. People exactly like you, scared that people will use them."

AJ nodded, "I completely understand. At least you know for sure though, that your teammates won't backstab you."

"Exactly, I trust them and they're great. It sucks, though. It was nice to have someone who would wasn't involved with hockey. Who just watched it from the sidelines. It was refreshing."

AJ nodded, somewhat feeling bad for the hockey player. "Well, I may not watch hockey from the sidelines, or at all, but if you ever need to talk to someone about the arts, I'm your girl." This lightened the mood, which is exactly what AJ wanted.

Connor chuckled, "I'll keep that in mind."

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